Thoughts on Luke and Sylar

Feb 12, 2009 18:38

So here's a rave about my new OTP, or rather my new obsession. Luke/Sylar, from Heroes. I posted some of my thoughts over at the Sarmy forum, but here's some of those thoughts, plus more thoughts.

I'm a Heroes fan, watching it Monday nights with a group at the dorm is kind of a ritual. So I'm in there with a group, and the moment Luke comes on, I'm like, "I like him."

That is love at first sight. I have no idea why, but I really like Luke.

Sylar's interaction with Luke was like a fangirls dream.

Sylar was interested in him from the get go. Asking him what he thought, toying with him while he tortured his mother. Even before he knew Luke had powers, Sylar had shown him more interest than a lot of people, and showed Luke more understanding than anyone else ever had, I would bet. The line that he would probably like to see his mother dead, I don't think that was true, but I do think Luke probably had thought of killing her if only to make her be quiet, seriously the woman was annoying. Luke was probably very angry at her for not understanding him.

And here we have Sylar, who offers understanding. Sylar related to Luke, does he see himself in Luke, possibly. Maybe he sees his own mother in Luke's mother.

I thought the whole dynamic in their interaction was very familial.

"I just want me son to be happy."
"Well he's not."

Sylar in lot of ways was acting like he was Luke's father, or older brother. He was acting like a member of the family in that discussion, rather than some random person who broke into their house and took them hostage.

Does Sylar think that Luke is his brother/half brother, and if so why not just ask Luke's mom, or does he just relate to Luke? He seems to relate to Luke, everything he says to him is right on the mark.

Luke's obviously enamored of Sylar. Sylar gave him what he really wanted, understanding, and attention. Luke's rant about all the stuff he's done was a scream for attention if you ask me. His mother gave him attention when he got in trouble, but doesn't seem like she ever really listened or understood. Sylar gives understanding, and where as everyone else in his life rejected Luke, as far Luke is concerned, Sylar seems accepting and approving. He wants to see Luke's powers and is impressed, which is probably pretty big for Luke. Someone thinks he's special/of value instead of treating him like a outcast/dissapointment.

In many ways, Luke is a lot like Sylar, which is maybe what Sylar acts the way he does towards him, as a mentor. Watching him, speaking to him, letting Luke know he understands.

So Luke allighns himself with Sylar, and ,really, took guts to follow him like that. He basically told Sylar, someone he knows is very dangerous, that he owed him, "I saved your life". That takes guts, and the fact that he wouldn't back down in his request after Sylar responded with "And I let you live." Which basically says, I could change my mind, you should leave me alone, but Luke persists, and is willing to do anything for Sylar, and anticipates his needs. Offering to help him find his father, getting the keys to the car. All he wants in return is to be with Sylar.

I want to see this character developed. Why he wants to be with Sylar. Is because he thinks Sylar will accept him for who he is, while his mother would reject him. Does he want Sylar as a father figure. Does he admire Sylar's power?

Slash pairing wise, it's total D/s, Master/student, and the dynamic is beleiveable.

So Luke wants to imulate Sylar, but I don't think that Luke is an inherently bad person. He acts to protect his mother by using his power against Sylar. By doing that he protects his mom, and puts himself in danger because the killers attention is now on him. He has every reason to be afraid of Sylar at that point, seeing that Sylar threatened Luke, and that Luke had seen the messed up stuff Sylar did to army dude.

He knows Sylar is powerful and dangerous, but he is still willing to draw Sylars attention to himself to get Sylar to stop hurting his mother. This is bravery and selflessness in my book.

Then when he kills army dude, it isn't cold blooded murder. He reacted to protect Sylar, which was also heroism. It was also a instant reaction, he didn't think about what he was doing, he just did it. So it's inherent in his nature to be protective.

His justification for killing army dude is "he was going to kill Sylar". Luke's mom sees it as "he was going to save us from Sylar". So Luke considered Sylar's safety before his own, and from what we've seen puts others safety before his own in general if he cares for them.

Luke cares for his mother because she's his mother, dysfunction or not. He cares for Sylar to an extent because Sylar offered understanding and empathy he wasn't able to get anywhere else.

So given these traits of heroism and self sacrifice to an extent, we cannot say Luke is a inherently bad person who likes Sylar for being a sadistic killer. So why does Luke admire Sylar. Is it because Sylar is like him, a super hero, or because Sylar offers understanding and acceptance instead of judgment and rejection.

Maybe the reason Sylar and Luke want/tolerate each others company is that they both yearn for acceptance and love and feel rejected by their families. Sylar wasn't good enough for his adopted mother, and latched on to Angela because she acted like the understanding mother who would accept him for who he was. Sylar feels rejected by everyone, "I'm just a monster." Luke also feels rejected, he thinks his mother hates him. When he kills the man in Sylar's defense, she is horrified instead of understanding. So maybe in a world where they both feel no one accepts them or will ever love them for who they are, they can turn to each other.

Maybe even love each other. Slash wise it makes a loving pairing plausable, and canon wise I could see a bond forming, I see Sylar eing very paternal towards Luke.

Now again, as far as Slash. I want this. Because it's as natural as anything. They understand each other, Luke loves and is devoted to Sylar, and Sylar can use Luke for anything.

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