That. Was. Awesome.
Hiro was so cute, too, even when he was trying to be all tough and samuri. "Yata." when he stabbitied Sylar? HA! Awesome. Oh, and Sylar was not really in this as much as he should have been, though the whole "he is like a cockroach and can't just die so simply" or whatever it was they pulled at the end with the roach and the sewer cover moving with the blood all around brings promise of OMGness next season. I'm glad he didn't kill Ando, too.
Okay...So, Nathan is dead now? Cause if so...not really phasing me., where's Peter now? And also, WHY did he not fly himself up into the air? and also freeze time? and every other thing he absorbed from everyone which would really mean that he could have taken care of everything without a problem? I mean, would have really been so hard for him to, oh, stop time, fly himself 35,000 feet up (or however far he needed to), restart time again and explode up there? Yeah, yeah "I can't stop this!" blah. Whatever, learn to cope, Emoboy. "You have the ability to love" He's so Harry Potter lol.
"Call me Noah"? NOAH??? ....BWAHAHAHAHAHA! HAAAA!
So....who's the guy Molly can't find/doesn't want to find?
Hiro in 17th Century Japan = Next season should be good.