"A *paranoia* demon, Cordelia." Good lord, I've explained this to her a hundred times now. I've already moved from thesulac to paranoia demon for her so she understands it better. And Angel is looking far to smug for his own good. The git can do some explaining as well. After all, he's the one who knew the thing was here as it were. "And it's a fairly simple spell, really."
"Yeah alright already! I get it, Wes. Sheesh! No need to get all snooty on me." Cordelia rolls her eyes and stomps of to join Gunn at the other side of the lobby.
"Just get on with it, C3PO." Gunn is leaning against the wall doing is best not to look bored. He's utterly failing that however.
Sighing I pick up the Orb and the spell book. With a frown I glance at the orb. How odd. If I remember correctly it should be glowing a sort of red, not green. "Gunn? Are you certain you got the right orb?"
"Look man. You made me go to that weird ass shop and now you're questioning my buy?" Folding his arms over his chest he glares at me. "You telling me I got the wrong thing? I asked exactly what you wrote me down. I even showed the man your note okay?"
Sighing I roll my eyes and glare back at him. "I'm not saying that you did it on purpose, Gunn." Touchy, touchy.
"The demon is infecting you both. Don't give into it!" Angel strides closes to where Gunn and Cordelia are standing looking at us worried.
"Actually, they been acting like that all day now," Cordelia pipes up smugly.
"Oh." Angel looks from Cordy to Gunn to me and shrugs. "It could have been the Thesulac demon."
"Right," I mutter, grabbing tighter onto the orb. "Now, can I please do this or do we all have more useful comments?" Raising an eyebrow I glare at them all. They look back sheepish and shrug. "Thank you."
Turning around I move to the middle of the lobby and hold up the orb. Scanning over the pages of the spell book I quickly read the enchantment and mutter it before saying it out loud. There a wind picking up and swirling around me as my voice grows louder to try to be heard over the wind. I reach the high point of the spell and are about the hit the last note when suddenly the doors go open. From the small fog that has created around me I see two figures walking in.
Suddenly the room around me goes white as the wind knocks me off my feet. I can hear glass shattering somewhere and the suction around me is almost painful as everything around me goes black.