Dec 03, 2009 01:07


HEY GUYS. It's come to my attention that this is long, LONG overdue, so here's a schedule of what sort of classes are held at what times in Iroh's dojo in the Mariner High School gym.

7 AM - meditation hour. Students perform qigong excersizes to promote the growth and development of qi. This is usually lead by one of the upper level students, occasionally by Iroh.

8 AM - Beginner level students. Drilled in basic martial arts forms and the weapon as a staff, this is the class for people who show up on the first day making fists with their thumbs on the inside/expecting to become Jackie Chan overnight. Iroh teaches this class.

9 AM - Midlevel. These are for people who can get into a horse stance, make a proper fist, maybe know a few basic forms - basically, anyone who has martial arts experience, but no expertise. They're drilled in hand-to-hand basics, the use of a staff as a weapon,

10 - Open floor. The gym is open for use by anyone at this point. If you want to use the gym at this point - for recess or, idk, your own training or whatever, speak up.

11 - Same.

12 - Saaame.

1 - Weapons. This is for higher level staff, and swordwork. Umi teaches most of the swordplay, because she is awesome.

2 - Advanced class. These kids will kick your ass and have a nice day. One day of the week is devoted to tactics, instead of actual physical fighting, so this is the class for discussion, advanced study, and the art of war.

3 - Sparring. Students of equal skill, or students of skill fairly close, are matched against each other in mock fights.

4 and on - open gym.


I have a pretty good idea of who Iroh's regular students are. Umi, Prydain, Lilo . . . so on. But I know there are more (or there ought to be more at this point), so if your character is attending any of the above classes, post and tell me which one that is.

ADDITIONALLY - For those students who've been with me a while, post with your preferences for which of the above classes you want to lead. Iroh oversees all the teaching in his dojo, but he's lazy, so whenever some enthusiastic young kid can be made to do his work for him . . . yeah.


Student Teachers:
Umi, Fencing

And Ty Lee, Iroh needs to talk to you about possibly leading a gymnastics class during one of the open gym hours.

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