Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I considered the number of things I could say here. First I was gonna be like, "♥" but then I was, no, that's a copout (cop-out? cop out?); I do it too frequently. Then I was going to make some clever witty comment like, "I know, I'm amazing like that," but it didn't work out in my brain as anything but annoying, so then I decided to sit here and think until I came up with the thing to put in this comment. But then I remembered I have a massive paper due tomorrow and I'm only 2/11 finished of the first draft (not that with me there is ever a whole lot more than a first draft...something I should try to remedy in the future), so...I just decided to tell you how braindead I am, as a placeholder, so you know I've read this, and you know I've acknowledged it, and if, in two weeks, I'm like, "Oh yeah! This is the perfect thing to say in response!" then...I can.
Comments 13
The end.
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