BookQuest: Take Two...and other RL stuff

Jun 18, 2010 22:03



I have been gone for a while.

There has been a lot happening, mainly regarding my accident and the long recuperation that has ensued.  My memory is still not the greatest, and I have very little physical stamina; I get tired SO EASILY.  My migraines have increased, in both number and intensity (I actually wound up at the ER three times for the increased boss even called 911 one day...THAT'S not embarrassing at ALL).

But school ended yesterday, I slept until noon today, and I am determined to use this summer to get my life back.  To get back to what I really love.  And I LOVE my flist, and I love LJ.  So I'm determined to dive back in.

I hope that everyone can accept my apologies for having missed important events, and I will be a much better friend now.

And now, on to the BookQuest.

Barely a month before my accident, I had decided to embark upon a BookQuest.  I had read on someone's LJ page that she was going to attempt to watch 100 new (well, new to HER) movies in one calendar year.  I  decided to attempt something like that with books, but I knew that the goal of 100 in one year was probably too high.

I used to read a book a day, back before I had a career and all.  Stupid job gets in the way of the fun stuff, y'know?  :)

So I started the BookQuest, and I had posted about having read maybe four books...

And then I crashed.  And my entire life changed.

They weren't sure if I'd make it through that first night.  They thought I would, but they did tell my mom that they had no guarantee.  They needed to watch me for at least 24 hours before they could say that I'd be okay.

I had a severe concussion and sub-arachnoid bleeds on my brain.  The neurosurgeon later told me that my MRI looked like I'd had a massive stroke, and that if the cops hadn't been sure that the other person had caused the accident, they'd think that the bleeding on the brain PRECEEDED the accident, and caused it.

I shattered my skull, almost all the way around.

I had to have reconstructive surgery to rebuild the left, upper side of my face.

And I'm blind in my left eye.

This has really made me re-evaluate my life on so many levels.

I am SO grateful to be alive.

So, even though I had a LOT of time off of work, I really couldn't do much reading.  And while I tried to keep track of the books that I'd read, I just didn't have the mental energy to post about them.

And I lost track.

And I'm frustrated by it, but I decided to start over.  So, I finished my last book on Tuesday night, and I waited to start another until today.


BookQuest:  Take Two...has now begun.


Here's hoping that this one is not interrupted by something as life-changing as the last one was!

1.  Supernatural:  The Unholy Cause, by Joe Schrieber.  Yes, I AM aware that the first one on the first BookQuest was also a Supernatural novelization.  Yes, I am aware of what that says about me.  :)  298 pages.  I was actually kind of impressed with this book.  I don't usually expect a whole lot from novelizations of TV series.  They're usually so much LESS than the fanfic that I read.  And I STILL want to know why the authors who get PAID for doing what my flist does on a daily basis aren't as GOOD as my flist.  I read so much fanfic that's so much BETTER than the novelizations.  When they're looking for authors to write these books, why don't they check out fanfic?  I'll never understand.

There was some wit and some angst, and a little bit of whumpage for both Dean and Sam girls.  I wouldn't say that the mystery part of it was very...mysterious, but I still actually really enjoyed it.

My biggest problem?  The author misspelled "choked", TWICE.  He spelled it, "choAked."  Which...really?  REALLY?  I felt the way I feel when I'm reading what a fourteen year old has written on  Seriously.  USE YOUR SPELLCHECK!!!  And WHERE was the editor?

Anyway.  I'm glad that I read it, and

I am looking forward to seeing how many books I can read in a year.

If you have any books you'd like to recommend, please do so.  :)  (I only have one request...I'm not really that much of a fan of smut.  If it's there, but it's not the main goal of the book, that's okay, but I really don't enjoy books that have a lot of it.)


I hope everyone's doing well.


real life, car accident, bookquest

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