I'm Althat22

Feb 25, 2006 23:06

OrduresBlanches: am I white?
Althat22: Do you knowingly benefit from white privilege. . .?
OrduresBlanches: by the way, I wholly disagree with this: Only white people can be racist.
Althat22: Brad, it's true.
OrduresBlanches: if it's unknowingly, then how would I know? ;)
OrduresBlanches: it's not. :)
Althat22: I said, "knowingly"?
OrduresBlanches: I know, but if I was benefiting unknowingly
OrduresBlanches: nevermind
OrduresBlanches: :)
Althat22: Hmm. . .okay.
OrduresBlanches: and you're inserting unnecessary criteria into racism
Althat22: What the hell is Hilary doing?
OrduresBlanches: majority has nothing to do with racist behavior
Althat22: How so, Brad?
OrduresBlanches: it's not groupthink
OrduresBlanches: well, sometimes it is
Althat22: It has everything to do with it. . .
OrduresBlanches: but in the most individual sense, no
OrduresBlanches: I don't know
OrduresBlanches: somebody said she dissed gays?
OrduresBlanches: I haven't been paying attention to the world
OrduresBlanches: it's too crazy
Althat22: Brad, it's about privilege, and the majority, by nature of being the majority, have privilege. . .
OrduresBlanches: but Ann Coutler came here the other night
Althat22: She's opposing gay marriage. . .
Althat22: To Indiana?
OrduresBlanches: racism is absolutely not about privilege
OrduresBlanches: at the core
Althat22: You're white, Brad, I wouldn't expect you to think anything else. . .
OrduresBlanches: oh please, don't pull that on me
Althat22: Look at it Brad, racism is a system where someone has to benefit.
OrduresBlanches: I'm arguing with you about the nature of racism because you think that only whites are capable of it.
OrduresBlanches: it's a belief
Althat22: They are. . .
OrduresBlanches: not a system
Althat22: Minorities are prejudiced. . .
Althat22: They can't be racist because if they are, they don't "gain" anything from it.
Althat22: When whites are racist, they gain from it. . .
Althat22: Simply because they are the majority. . .
OrduresBlanches: you don't think that minorities can hold the belief that one race is superior to the other
OrduresBlanches: to another, excuse me
OrduresBlanches: prejudice suggests preconcieved notions or bias
OrduresBlanches: which, is basically the beginnings of racism
Althat22: What do minorities gain from thinking one group is superior--nothing.
OrduresBlanches: where does this idea of "gaining something" come from?
Althat22: What do Whites get from thinking one group is superior--last I checked it was America, Africa, the Islands. . .
OrduresBlanches: clever plot
OrduresBlanches: nevermind
OrduresBlanches: I was going somewhere with that one.
Althat22: It's basic economic input and output (which are the foundations of every system)--if I "input" this thought, what is the output. . .?
OrduresBlanches: but I've lost my train of thought
Althat22: White privilege. . .
OrduresBlanches: I don't buy it.
Althat22: It's all about perspective. . .
OrduresBlanches: I think you're inserting an idea into a belief system
OrduresBlanches: what do people gain now by being racist"
OrduresBlanches: what does some redneck gain?
OrduresBlanches: (and there are no white people in Africa ;)
OrduresBlanches: )
OrduresBlanches: lol
Althat22: LOL. . .
OrduresBlanches: nothing.. that's the answer
OrduresBlanches: that's why your argument doesn't hold water
Althat22: A redneck, if he gets his shit together, learns proper English. . .and changes, he has upward mobility.
Althat22: Minorities can never do that. . .
OrduresBlanches: I beg to differ.
Althat22: No matter how much they "change", they cannot become "them". . .
OrduresBlanches: there are plenty of black millionaires in this world
Althat22: Brad, you gotta be kidding me.
OrduresBlanches: visit suburban Atlanta if you want proof
OrduresBlanches: I'm not saying there's equality
Althat22: You're using money as a gage?
OrduresBlanches: you yourself said it was economics
OrduresBlanches: scroll up
OrduresBlanches: not to mention that usually that's what upward mobility implies
Althat22: Forget money, I'll be poor all the days of my life as long as I had some pull in the formation of corporations and the daily going on of the nation.
OrduresBlanches: social status
Althat22: Economics does not deal with money; it deals with systems.
OrduresBlanches: wtf?
Althat22: Contrary to popular beliefs, economics is not the study of money.
OrduresBlanches: economics doesn't deal with money
OrduresBlanches: it's the study of the production and distributions of goods and serivces
OrduresBlanches: how many cultures are still bartering?
Althat22: English deals with money, Brad. But it isn't the core of English, just like money isn't the core of Economics.
Althat22: None because the White mainstream has suggested that the only way to "win" is to use monetary capital.
Althat22: Tons of places use bartering, but we don't hear about it because it's not "civilized."
Althat22: How the hell have African countries lasted for so long?
OrduresBlanches: trading chickens
OrduresBlanches: just like Mexico needs to do
Althat22: Do you think the "common" African has money?
OrduresBlanches: no, but how did we get to African tribes?
OrduresBlanches: are we lamenting their social status in America?
Althat22: It was the bartering thread.
OrduresBlanches: okay
OrduresBlanches: well, back to the topic at hand
Althat22: Okay, back to it.
Althat22: Brad, come on. . .use a little Marxist theory (not the end, but the beginning of it.)
OrduresBlanches: I'm just perplexed by the drawing of a line between racist whites and prejudiced minorities
OrduresBlanches: I can't see how you make a distinction
Althat22: Because of hegemony, only the masses (to be read White people) can be racist. . .
OrduresBlanches: that's a false statement
Althat22: You tell me how. . .
OrduresBlanches: belief that one race is superior over another has nothing to do with sheer numbers
OrduresBlanches: the two aren't related
OrduresBlanches: and you're making them that way
Althat22: How are they not related?
OrduresBlanches: because they're not
OrduresBlanches: the idea of racism has NOTHING to do with majority/minority
OrduresBlanches: it's a simple, if not retarded, idea
OrduresBlanches: RACE A = GOOD
OrduresBlanches: RACE B = BAD
OrduresBlanches: no matter what you call it, it's still wrong
Althat22: Brad, you've got to be kidding me. . .you're a gay male, you should know what it's like to be marginalized and witness the majority having power and being against what you believe.
OrduresBlanches: thta's why I'm puzzled that you want to draw a distinction
OrduresBlanches: of course
OrduresBlanches: but that's not racism
OrduresBlanches: it's prejudice
Althat22: The white gay pride thing is totally screwed (no pun intended) up. . .and I don't support it.
OrduresBlanches: no matter what you call it, it's still wrong
Althat22: It's about power and the strucutre of it all.
OrduresBlanches: white gay pride?
Althat22: Karl Marx, though faulty at times, has discussed this.
Althat22: Yep, and if I hear one more white gay person draw claims to the Civil Rights movement, I'm going to go postal.
OrduresBlanches: there are parallels
Althat22: Nigga, you are crazy.
OrduresBlanches: but I don't claim to be the next coming of MLK
Althat22: LOL. . .
Althat22: They are not synonmous. . .and parallels should not be drawn. . .
OrduresBlanches: there are parallels in the sense that a group that is discriminated against is gaining ground
OrduresBlanches: you can't deny that
OrduresBlanches: why are black people so offended by that?
OrduresBlanches: does it somehow demean civil rights?
OrduresBlanches: is it because the people are gay?
Althat22: Fool, pedophiles are discriminated against, but I damn sure better not hear them taking the Civil Rights platform.
OrduresBlanches: isn't that prejudicial/
Althat22: Hell yeah it does. . .
OrduresBlanches: but they're felons
OrduresBlanches: they've done something morally wrong
OrduresBlanches: have gays?
Althat22: Depends on who you ask?
Althat22: Let's be honest about it. . .
OrduresBlanches: of course.
OrduresBlanches: thanks for making part of my point ;)
OrduresBlanches: and furthermore
OrduresBlanches: yes?
Althat22: Brad, please don't be White.
Althat22: white, I mean. . .
OrduresBlanches: how am I being white?
OrduresBlanches: by disagreeing?
OrduresBlanches: I just think your statement is flawed and misguided.
Althat22: No, I'm saying you are, I'm just saying, "don't"
Althat22: Perspective, Brad. . .perspective. . .
OrduresBlanches: Shameka, I'm not arguing perspective.
OrduresBlanches: I'm arguing fact.
OrduresBlanches: semantics
OrduresBlanches: I'm just saying that whites are not the only group capable of "racism."
OrduresBlanches: because racism has nothing to do with majority/minority anything.
OrduresBlanches: that's all.
Althat22: racism emerges when the color of one's skin becomes a way of controlling them through power instilled by the social hierarchy of race and color (Anne McClintock)
OrduresBlanches: racism is about oppression
Althat22: Minorities can be prejudiced. . .not racist. . .
OrduresBlanches: you think there are blacks out there than don't think they are superior to Mexicans?
OrduresBlanches: or the Chinese?
Althat22: What do they gain from it, Brad?
OrduresBlanches: they don't have to
Althat22: That's the thing. ..there can be all the input in the world, but what's the output?
OrduresBlanches: stop saying that
OrduresBlanches: it's a freaking belief
OrduresBlanches: what do you GET from believing in Jesus?
Althat22: It's all about gain. . .Brad. . .admit that. . .
OrduresBlanches: it's not!
Althat22: A home in Heaven. . .
Althat22: You're sounded like a White guy, Brad. . .
OrduresBlanches: and you never asnwered my quesiton
Althat22: Sounding, rather. . .
Althat22: What's the question. . .
OrduresBlanches: you dodged my question.
Althat22: What's the question. . .?
OrduresBlanches: Do you really believe that there are black people who don't believe they are superior to Mexicans?
OrduresBlanches: or Jews who think they're better than the Chinese
Althat22: Of course there are. . .but what do they GAIN from it. . .
OrduresBlanches: that's not the point
OrduresBlanches: just stop right there
OrduresBlanches: why are you insisting upon this idea of GAINING?
Althat22: It's a dumb ass move, on their part, granted, but they do not GAIN anything from it.
Althat22: Brad, it's always been about gain. . .
OrduresBlanches: Shameka, boiled down to principle
OrduresBlanches: you know it's not about "gaining
OrduresBlanches: "
Althat22: Look at Imperialism, Colonialism, Manifest Destiny for crying out loud.
OrduresBlanches: you're just inserting that to support some idea that whites are the only ones capable or racism
OrduresBlanches: you're sort of being racist yourself :)
Althat22: Nigga, what am I gaining from it? Not a damn thing because you are not seeing my points at all. . .
OrduresBlanches: and you're not seeing mine.
Althat22: I'm being prejudiced, not racist.
Althat22: Don't be racist, Brad.
OrduresBlanches: no, you're being racist
OrduresBlanches: you're saying that only whites are capable of this horrible idea.
OrduresBlanches: that minorities are somehow above such behavior
OrduresBlanches: :)
Althat22: Being prejudiced is a horrible idea also. . .
Althat22: Nigga, have my people ever subjugated another entire race?
Althat22: No!!
Althat22: But damn if the Europeans and Americans haven't.
OrduresBlanches: no, but some of them helped
Althat22: You keep believing that White man's lie.
OrduresBlanches: don't get me wrong, peepee
OrduresBlanches: what some folks have done is horrible
OrduresBlanches: unforgivable
OrduresBlanches: but I'm saying, in today's society
OrduresBlanches: the idea that only whites can be racist, is just flat out wrong
Althat22: Brad, today's society is not today's society, it's a reflection of the past's society.
OrduresBlanches: I just think you're wrong, honey. I think you're inserting ideas into racism that, at the very core of the term, aren't there.
OrduresBlanches: At the core, it's not about gain or majority/minority.
Althat22: You've got to be kidding me, they've brainwashed you. .
OrduresBlanches: it's the belief that one racial group is inferior to another and the practices of the dominant group to maintain the inferior position of the dominated group
OrduresBlanches: what do I gain by hating blacks
OrduresBlanches: you've never answered that
Althat22: Nigga, you gain an entire system. . .
OrduresBlanches: what?
OrduresBlanches: just by hating blacks
OrduresBlanches: well holy crap
Althat22: The world, Brad. . .the world. . .
OrduresBlanches: if I'd have know all along
OrduresBlanches: I could have had the world.
OrduresBlanches: silly little white gay boy
Althat22: If race weren't so important, why does it supersede every other descriptive word in that "silly little WHITE gay boy" statement?
Althat22: Because it does, Brad. . .
Althat22: Please understand that. . .
OrduresBlanches: now you're grasping at straws
Althat22: I'm just trying to get you to see the world with another set of fucked up rose colored glasses. . .
OrduresBlanches: I said because of the cadence, really
OrduresBlanches: but since you have to pick everything apart to support your own ideas
Althat22: Rhythm has absolutely nothing to do with this. . .
OrduresBlanches: :)
OrduresBlanches: it does when I talk
Althat22: I'm Black, I know about rhythm. . .
OrduresBlanches: lol
Althat22: And there is no rhythm in that statement. . .
Althat22: Iambic tetrameter is rhythm. . .
OrduresBlanches: it just sounded better to me than "silly gay white boy"
OrduresBlanches: but you'd have probably wondered why gay superceded white... or boy for that matter
OrduresBlanches: I'm probably a sexist now, too. :)
Althat22: That statement was just an unconscious reflection of how you define yourself. . .and your "race" supersedes everything. . .
Althat22: LOL. . .don't get me started. . .
OrduresBlanches: well in all fairness, this whole conversation has been about race
OrduresBlanches: and how you think I'm brainwashed because I'm trying to get you to see that you are fundamentally wrong about the idea or racism
OrduresBlanches: on a grander scale, you may have something
OrduresBlanches: but at the very core of the "belief," you're flat out wrong
OrduresBlanches: but I still love you
OrduresBlanches: how's that for racist, BITCH
OrduresBlanches: lol
Althat22: LOL. . .I love you too. . .
OrduresBlanches: :)
OrduresBlanches: how's Theo?
Althat22: This nigga is okay. . .sitting right here next to me like he's worked an 8 hour job or something. . .
Althat22: LOL. . .
OrduresBlanches: I'm thinking about getting a cat\
OrduresBlanches: lol
OrduresBlanches: I want to steal my roommate's cat
Althat22: Get a dog. . .
OrduresBlanches: I love him
OrduresBlanches: dogs require too much attention
Althat22: A big dog, not some bitch dog. . .
OrduresBlanches: I have a bitch dog... at home
OrduresBlanches: I want a big, fat, fluffy cat
OrduresBlanches: a nice one
Althat22: LOL. . .cats are some deceitful creatures. . .
OrduresBlanches: not a crazy bastard like Theo
OrduresBlanches: Cisco is awesome
OrduresBlanches: he's my roommate's cat
Althat22: LOL. . .Cisco systems?
OrduresBlanches: Shayna and Jaime's cat, Bailey, was pretty awesome too
Althat22: Yeah, Bailey was awesome and cute. . .
OrduresBlanches: thong th-thong thong thong
Althat22: LOL. . .ha ha!!
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