Yoga diary

Apr 05, 2010 17:55

Routine: 'Learn Yoga' -Beginners (58 mins)
Time: 3.45pm

Notes: OMG, soooo tired. I don't even want to write this entry, I am so pooped! I wasn't quite this beat when I did yoga but things weren't exactly coming together. I could really feel the fact that I had a lot of time off from work last week, mainly because my feet, ankles, and calves felt extremely achy and unhappy. Did tree pose at the wall because I couldn't stop thinking about how much my grounding foot hurt. Side-angle pose didn't feel as good as usual due to super painful ankles. It always takes me 48hrs to build up strength in my feet/ankles after substantial time off from work (I'm on my feet all day and do a fair amount of walking).

Noticed a while ago that I was rolling my feet out during down-dog. Been working on it. Seeing improvement already; much less strain in the arch and ankle during adjustment. Speaking of, feel like I'm adjusting a lot in down-dog and can't figure out if this is good (deepening pose) or a form of fidgeting.

Couldn't get my mind to focus since I'm pissed by work stuff. Even in savasana, I was letting my mind wander. Should see improvement during the week, though.

yoga diary

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