Routine: 'Yoga for Every Body', Intermediate - General Practice with Backbends (40-45 mins)
Time: 3.45pm (ish)
I walked Peyton beforehand as is usual for a work day. On the walk, I realised I should do the same routine as yesterday (I think of it as my 'hard' one) but couldn't bear it. I woke up this morning with a tension headache, thanks to something happening with my shoulders, so I opted for a challenging but faster moving routine that I felt would loosen me up and help me focus.
It went well, I think. Noticed that I barely roll my feet out at all as I move into down-dog. Focused on my shoulders and upper back in an attempt to work out where the tension is coming from. Possibly due to the extension of my arms? My elbows are kind of wonky and I might need to straighten them more.
Had no balance for Ardha Chandrasana, which isn't exactly unusual. It's a tough pose and my mind still isn't as focused as it should be. Felt pretty good about Triangle pose, though. Shortening my stance a little seems to be helping a lot with that and warrior.
Didn't push the backbends, although I came onto the blocks with Camel. Did feel a little scared when I let my head fall back but breathed through it. Was not going to attempt Wheel as I haven't done enough prep but did experiment with coming on to the top of my head. When I no longer mess up my hair, I'll know I have the arm strength to come into the pose fully.
Got interrupted about 80% through the routine due to the maintenance guy arriving 2 hours early. *sigh* I snacked whilst I waited, which probably wasn't the best idea but didn't seem to cause any problems. Last 2 poses were easy: legs up the wall then Septa Pandangusthasana (with strap). Can definitely feel tightness in my hips and hamstrings. Blech. Was definitely cool at this point and the savasana was relaxing and appropriate (lake visualisation).
Point of note: This week, I have had the windows open during my practice. There's a LOT of outside noise but I haven't found it to be a major problem. My mind twitchiness is very much internal (thinking about work, worries, what to make for dinner, etc), and I think I like hearing the kids outside, even the workmen. It's very zen. I did focus more today than yesterday and I feel much less worn out after a good night's sleep.
Tomorrow's practice will likely be short as I have stuff planned for the evening.