Routine: 'Stress Relief' - Waking up Slowly (30 mins)
Time: 7.20am
I woke up early due to yet more IBS fun and decided to do some yoga. This routine seemed like a good one. It was pleasant and helped with my stomach issues, as well as standing me in good stead for the day (work stuff was interesting later that day). Nothing much to say other than my hamstrings are awfully tight after waking.
Routine: 'Stress Relief' - IBS relief (30 mins)
Time: 2pm-ish
I was stubborn yesterday and insisted on making my favourite chicken curry even though my stomach was still a little off. I definitely paid for it this morning so thought this was the routine for me. Initially, my mind was bouncing all over but by the time I'd moved into the second pose (reclining cobbler's), I was so relaxed that it was hard to open my eyes. Notably, today's routine helped me loosen up some nasty emotions I'd been carrying since I woke up and, sure enough, I ended up sort of sick with it this evening, which allowed me to work through it. Some of it is physical, too, but I do rather feel like today's yoga helped lance an emotional boil (and, eww, does that sound gross but you know what I mean!).
As a side note, Loader the foster pup was very bemused by me getting onto the floor to practice and came over to lick my face. ^_^
Yoga will likely be sporadic this week, as we have a guest arriving on Thursday. We shall see!