Title: Starlight, Star Bright
christn7Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Rose
Spoilers: Post-Doomsday
Author's note: A drabble for
wendymr. She knows why. ;)
Summary: They're different, these stars.
Starlight, Star Bright
The starlight is brighter and darker and different and everything it’s not meant to be.
You could have pointed at the stars once, picked out a sun or named a planet. You could have pointed to a constellation and say you’d been there, the two of you. You’d touched that patch of sky - will touch it, are touching it, right now.
And you are, the two of you, immortalised in the stardust, some place in time.
But they’re not these stars - you can’t point at these because you’ve never seen them that close.
You never will, the two of you.