Title: the gasp and stutter of a heart 7/?
dave7Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Richard Castle/Kate Beckett
Fandom: Castle
Spoilers: All of Season Three is fair game.
Summary: And it’s almost funny how this? Her ideals? Her sense of selflessness? Was one of the things he loved most about her yesterday.
the gasp and stutter of a heart 7/? )
Comments 8
Honestly? I'm not usually a fan of babyfic either, but I couldn't let this idea go...
I'm glad you're giving it a chance. :)
just two things I noticed that slightly disturbed me from the otherwise flawless reading - 1/i dont think you can really determine a baby's sex at 13weeks by using an ultrasound,2/if they were in the freezer, might that not inprint on kate (and her childs life) even more than the cobalt scare? just saying. :) otherwise, still loving it to bits! yay, glad the whole story is already out.;)
And the freezer... yes. Possibly. But it would depend on things like how cold her core temperature became and how badly blood flow was affected. Generally in hypothermia you lose the limbs first and the trunk and brain remain well permeated... Like I said, lots of research. Not everything went into the story and, I think, for good reason. There's no way to make 'permeated' sound poetic. ;)
Having said that, I'm always up for a discussion, and I'm glad you shared your thoughts about it. :)
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