(no subject)

Oct 03, 2011 18:56

I am trying to rekindle my hobbies in hope of not being eaten alive by work again this year. That said, at the moment my hobbies mostly consist of YA lit and TV at the moment. My life is so exciting. Am hoping to actually write something for a change as well, but that might be wishful thinking.

Spoilers for Recent TV:

The Ponds are still the most adorable. All I really care about right now is whether they are coming back next season or not. I am confused by all this "leaving for their own good" stuff, and I feel like I missed the crucial moment that drove them to it. Are they coming back? Do we know?

Also really annoyed with River's treatment and the irrationality of breaking the whole universe to save the Doctor, and then changing her mind when he kisses her. Maybe I missed something, though, my sister and I were making frustrated sounds through that whole scene and weren't paying as much attention as we might have. I love River, and I hate that so much of her characterization and life decisions don't seem to be about her but about the Doctor.

The twelfth episode was cute, though, with Alfie the adorable baby. Even if my sister and I did spend the entire time convinced that Alfie was about to be abducted by aliens. Also, they blew up the cybermen with love. Oh, Doctor Who.

In general, I'm a bit annoyed at the show, though, so I don't mind that it's taking a break for a while. Merlin, on the other hand - I never have very high expectations for it, but I enjoyed this weekend's episode WAY more than I was expecting.

All the knights! Basically, I just want all the knights, all the time! I have the feeling that budget stuff and actor availability will mean that we rarely get them all together, and I'm expecting a lot of quest-related absences, but I would be thrilled if they could all stick around. I love that Merlin has someone who knows his secret! I love Merlin and Lancelot being best buddies! And Percival heroically and unsubtly saves babies! Elyan saves Percival! This show is so ridiculous, and I want so much fic about all the knights just hanging out and being generally and unsubtly heroic. Also, I do not think there is a pairing I do not want. There were so many cute moments, though I want more Gwaine and Merlin. Or the story where Gwaine, Arthur, and Lancelot all vie for the honor of being Merlin's best friend (since they have all been set up for that in the past).

Other stuff: I really wish Morgause wasn't dead, since she was the one thing that humanized Morgana. I miss Morgana not being so blatantly evil. Not that I expect much nuance from this show, but I can wish.

Merlin's (fake) dead! I love it when people are fake dead! It's funny that right now this is the show I'm most looking forward to right now.

Now I am going to go finish reading the first Percy Jackson.

tv, doctor who, merlin

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