Just a couple of Prometheus Ponders. (SPOILERS)

Jun 19, 2012 10:23

First off, let me just say the movie is worth the price of admission. It's visually beautiful, and thought provoking, even if a bit heavy handed. End of not spoilers. More behind the

First, Amie shared this gif with me, and I almost pee myself every time I look at it.

Second, part of me kind of gets the idiot scientists, but not really. I suppose if they hadn't been blundering around like blind idiot children, there might not have been some of the symbolism about creators being disappointed in blind idiot children? Not sure. Anyway, the one scene with the biologist and the geologist really fucking bothered me. Bothered me so badly I wanted to flip my popcorn and go, "WHAT THE FUCK??" at the screen. I mean, would it have been so hard for the folks in charge of creating the scene to make it even slightly less idiotic? You would think a biologist in that decade would have learned a thing or two from the Croc Hunter. ("Wow.. isn't she beautiful? I think I'm going to touch her..." NO! DAMNIT!)

Being the creative person I am, I rewrote the scene in my mind to be somewhat more reasonable.

Fifield: (Geologist, Redhead, Tattoo gallery, Scotsman?) What do you mean we're stuck here? We left before anyone else did!
Millburn: (Biologist, Hoodie aficionado) In spite of having superior technology, I guess these caverns all look alike. Too bad we didn't bring guns, huh?
Fifield: Well, fuck. It's getting cold and shite. Let's distract ourselves with doing SCIENCE, like we are experts in, and were hired to do.
Millburn: Agreed. I do SCIENCE a lot. Did you know that as a BIOLOGIST I was aware that when Charlie took off his helmet, there was just as much to worry about with his germs and contaminants escaping into this pristine atmosphere as we had to fear from anything outside of the suits? I mean, I know that by now it's a pretty old movie, but did he never watch War of the Worlds? Our colds are straight up deadly.
Fifield: These fucking rocks and minerals are amazing. There are properties of metal AND crystal. And did I hear there was some sort of dust storm outside that was raining electricity? There must be a high mineral content. I know this because I am a GEOLOGIST and I think rocks are fucking interesting. I was totally hired for this purpose, and not to die.
Millburn gives Fifield a funny look.
Millburn: Let's go back into the head room, and settle in for a nosh and a nap. HEY, ARE YOU SMOKING POT THROUGH YOUR RESPERATOR??
Fifield gives a sheepish grin.
Millburn: That's GENIUS! I need more pothead engineer friends. Anyway.. Hey... Were the urns leaking black tar the last time we were here?
Fifield: Uh.. nope. I vote we don't stay in here.
Millburn: I'm with you. I bet this happened because David rubbed his face, or his dick on something. Do androids have dicks?
Fifield: I am not going to think about, or picture David's welt.

You're Welcome.

Millburn: Hey.. I think something just moved.
Fifield: Fuck that! I'm out!
Millburn: I'm a BIOLOGIST. I have to look. Oh.. Oh my god.. It's some sort of pale grey penis flower worm thing. This is fascinating! Oh.. It moves when I move! It responds to me.. And now it's opened up! I think this is a threat display, so I'm going to step back and take lots of pictures.
Fifield: [Across the hallway now.] You do that! Rocks never do threat displays.
Millburn: It seems very aggressive, so since I don't have the proper equipment to wrangle a slimy snake worm thing into a container for study, I'm just going to join you out here. Oh shit... IT'S FOLLOWING MEEEE!

And then they died. See? Much less stupid.
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