
Apr 01, 2007 04:13

Social functioning and peer relationships of adolescents with juvenile fibromyalgia syndrome.

Arthritis Rheum. 2007 Mar 29;57(3):474-480 [Epub ahead of print]
Kashikar-Zuck S, Lynch AM, Graham TB, Swain NF, Mullen SM, Noll RB.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, and the University of
Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio.
PMID: 17394218

OBJECTIVE: To assess peer relationships of adolescents with juvenile
primary fibromyalgia syndrome (JPFS) compared with matched classroom
comparison peers (MCCPs) without a chronic illness. JPFS is
characterized by chronic musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance,
fatigue, and difficulty with daily functioning. Adolescents with JPFS
often report problems with school and participating in peer
activities, placing them at risk for social isolation from their
peers and psychosocial adjustment problems.

METHODS: Participants were 55 adolescents with JPFS (ages 12-18
years) from a pediatric outpatient rheumatology clinic and 55 MCCPs.
Data on peer reputation and peer acceptance were collected from
teachers, peers, and self report in a classroom setting with no focus
on JPFS.

RESULTS: Adolescents with JPFS were perceived (by peer and self
reports) as being more isolated and withdrawn and less popular.
Adolescents with JPFS were less well liked, were selected less often
as a best friend, and had fewer reciprocated friendships.

CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that adolescents with JPFS are
experiencing problems with peer relationships. Given the central role
that peer relationships play in psychological development of
children, and because peer rejection and isolation have been
associated with subsequent adjustment problems, these findings are
concerning. Longitudinal studies of adolescents with JPFS are needed
to ascertain whether these patients are at long-term risk and will
provide a foundation for the need for early interventions. Results
are discussed within the context of earlier findings for other
adolescents with chronic illness and rheumatic conditions, such as
juvenile idiopathic arthritis, who demonstrated no social problems.

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