I've only got a couple; this entry will get updated if any are added. :3
☆Local Friends☆: I pick who's on this one, srry2say. It's pretty much strictly local (meaning Florida) friends, and one or two who may not live here but are part of the same group, whether they moved away or haven't moved here yet. If you think you belong on this filter, comment
here! (If you can see
this you're on the filter.)
☆Video Games☆: Mostly Pokemon-related, but also Persona (3&4), Okami, the Jak trilogy... Whatever happens to be in my console. =) Comment
here to be added! (If you can see
this you're on the filter.)
☆Personal☆: Could be anything from sex/tmi, to gender ramblings. Comment
here and I may add you! (If you can see
this you're on the filter.)
☆Art!☆: Both art by me and for me; I will be completely honest about my experiences with art for me. If you're interested, comment
here! (If you can see
this you're on the filter.)
☆Body Mods!☆: Essentially me rambling about my body mods and plans for them - tattoos, piercings, etc. Comment
here to be added! (If you can see
this you're on the filter.)
☆Super-Secret Kink☆: Going to be VERY selective about who goes onto this filter, as it's going to deal with a couple of kinks that a LOT of people take issue with. They are only in fiction/anthro art, not IRL, but even so I feel I need to be selective. Comment
here if you're interested, or PM me! (If you can see
this you're on the filter.)
[Edit: PLEASE reply in the threads above if you want to be on a filter. xD I know it seems easier to reply in a separate comment, but replying to the appropriate threads makes it easier for me to keep track of! If I reply to you saying you're added and you come back here to find your comment is gone, it's because the comment wasn't on the right thread - you were still added, though.]