Approach with caution (OTA)

May 14, 2011 20:04

This was the first time Olivia ventured out in public again since that forsaken virus had shut her powers down. It had taken a while for them to be back completely and until she was certain that her mutation worked the way it was supposed to be she had tried to stay in her room as much as possible.

Part of her, albeit a very small one, had been glad ( Read more... )

alice 'flick' caine, olivia hughes

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adventure_alice May 14 2011, 19:43:09 UTC
As far as glares went, Alice was less than impressed with any she got. It wasn't so much that she thought them pathetic, it was simply her lack of care considering the person attached to the glare.

She wasn't there to make friends, she didn't intend on making friends and truth be told, having half the camp locked away was something she hadn't really noticed. If Olivia's social skills were bad, Alice's were non-existent.

Walking past Olivia, eyebrow arched at the glare, Alice took her time getting her snack, deciding that today she wouldn't live on coffee alone and picking up some fresh fruit. Still, social skills aside, Alice couldn't hold back the comment, "Your face is going to stick like that."


psychoempath May 14 2011, 19:51:05 UTC
Liv sighed and put her book down to take of her glasses she only wore out of habit now. Taking her sweet time to pick up her coffee she decided that not replying at all wasn't an option.

"What is it with the twats on this team and their lack of respect for one's personal space? I must be sending the wrong vibes."

Of course it was an entirely different matter if she was the one pestering someone.


adventure_alice May 14 2011, 19:59:21 UTC
"I'd watch your mouth, one of those 'twats' might smack it one of these days." It wasn't like Alice was itching for any kind of confrontation, she just had a generally prickly disposition.

Things were so fucking slow in this place that she'd have been better off in San Fran. At least there might've been a robbery or something to keep up the interest.

"It's probably the dirty looks you're drawing. Unless that's just the way your face is."


psychoempath May 15 2011, 08:18:12 UTC
"I'm not particularly worried 'bout that. You don't smack a biokinetic twice." Which was pretty much true, at least when it came to this one. People generally lost their interest in trying to hit her once the vomiting set in.

"I don't know how things were handled in the cave you crawled out of, but if a person reads? You leave her the fuck alone."


adventure_alice May 15 2011, 11:57:48 UTC
Realistically, a girl like Alice only needed the one shot. She looked skinny, she looked slight and delicate and all that crap, but she had one hell of a hook on her. Not to mention the fact that she froze people where they stood, and she'd finally figure out how to freeze specific points.

Watching the world go by while your body is frozen for twenty minutes can't be a fun experience.

"Then I'd suggest not looking at someone like they're something you stepped in and you might get further through your novel." Drawing her nail through the skin of her apple Alice took a bite, turning her back to the redhead.


psychoempath May 15 2011, 14:39:51 UTC
Mentally flipping through the catalogue of disease and other unpleasant things she could inflict upon someone who tried to touch her Liv picked up her book again. Not knowing what the other mutants could do to her really was a drag-her world had been so much more... pleasant when it consisted of scamming people and rendering random guys unconscious.

With a snort she watches Alice turn her back on her. "Just don't annoy people that try to read and you'll keep your hair."


adventure_alice May 15 2011, 15:31:21 UTC
Everything about this kid bristled Alice, the attitude wasn't appreciated and frankly, Alice had better things to do.

It wasn't like she was living the dream out here either, truth be told she missed her rathole apartment and the chance that every day might be her last. This place was just prolonging things, or at least making it feel that way.

"Ever glare at me like that again, and I'll blow up your brain from across the room." Fabulous thing about Alice's power; no contact required. And with an apple in hand, and her own glare towards the redhead who's name she wasn't even going to bother asking, Alice turned to leave.


psychoempath May 20 2011, 17:48:22 UTC
Reaching for her coffee Liv raised both eyebrows, then chuckled. There weren't many incidents like that she could remember where she had managed to stay calm. Righ now the only reason for that being the fact that the other was a mutant-she wasn't suicidal. Yet.

"Oh, I am scared. Really."

With a snort she picked up her book again and continued reading.


adventure_alice May 23 2011, 12:43:33 UTC
Stopping short of exiting the mess, Alice considered tossing the apple back at the girls head. She was a pretty good shot, and the apple was dense enough to do some damage, but Alice was pretty hungry so that ruled that out.

But Alice's temper was already to the point where if she walked away she'd likely blow something up later. Which meant she should just get the anger out.

Looking over her shoulder, Alice smirked slightly. "Should've kept your mouth shut." Flicking up the fingers on her free hand, Alice blew apart the molecules holding the book together, exploding it from the spine outwards and sending paper everywhere.


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