Hi. I'm scheduled for a major surgery Oct 6th and will need to go on hiatus from the community. I would very much love to come back since there will be a 3 month recovery period and once I wake up from a medicated fog I would love to participate again! Sorry to bother you guys and good luck!
- Big Bang - I think you all know what a big bang is, right? And it's worth a lot of points. sign up here if you haven't already, it's not due until September 30th, so you have plenty of time to figure out what you're doing.
Here's one of, what I hope will be many spam parties. Have a pic that you're fangirling over? Post it! Gif> Go ahead! anything goes, talk about your day, say something random and have fun
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Hey guys I know I'm a horrible mod but I've been sick and have had no energy to even think about landcomms. But I'm back now and I feel we should have something to get everyone motivated to do challenges and get us to first place
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So first things first. Stella has made me your new mod and I'm thrilled to do it. This is my first modding experience in a landcomm but I know if we all have patience everything will be awesome. We'll make this team the best in no time I can see it, we have some awesome people, but we need more participation.