Alternately, the 'Take my fandom to work' recs post. It's stories about the characters I love combined with things I'm passionate about. What could be better?
In music:
String Theory: A Concerto for Violin in d- by toft for Stargate Atlantis.
John is a concert violinist, Rodney is a composer-conductor.
The Accompanist by gretazreta for Supernatural.
Dean is a pianist.
Steinway!verse by toomuchplor for Inception.
Eames and Arthur are music students. Eames is a singer, Arthur is a pianist.
Tactus by toomuchplor for Stargate Atlantis.
John is a musicologist. Rodney is a composer-conductor.
Unidentified by fiercelydreamed for Stargate Atlantis.
Rodney has amnesia and starts earning a music degree. John is a pilot.
Timê by airgiodslv for Bandom.
Gabe and William are muses in competition throughout the ages.
In art:
Restraint by DarkEmeralds for Supernatural RPS.
Jensen is a portraitist, Tristan is a Viscount.
Impressionists, Post-Impressionists, American Modernists and Neal by ladygray99 for White Collar.
Not actually an AU, but it's short and sweet. This is Neal's history through forging.
And in dance:
I bet Nureyev never had to deal with this shit. by cobweb-diamond for Inception.
Arthur, Eames and Mal are the stars in a ballet production of Midsummer's Night Dream.