Yuletide letter

Oct 16, 2012 02:22

Dear Yuletide Anon,

I am delighted to share one of these tiny but fantastic fandoms with you and grateful to get to spend a little more time reading in these worlds about these characters. So thanks, you're the best!

As thrilling as it is to see the fic I want to read appear in the world, one of the best things is finding that story I never even knew I wanted. Please feel free to take or leave anything I say below and write the story you want, how you want. Don't worry about squicking me, writing crossovers to things I don't know, genres I don't care for, or ships I don't like. The first is really hard to do, I will read for fandoms I don't know (fandom has been my gateway to an awful lot of canon), any genre is okay, and any ships are fine as long as they're convincing. I am equal-opportunity shipping and Gen.

On to the requests:

The Paper Bag Princess - Robert Munsch

1. What happens next for Princess Elizabeth? Questing, reigning, finding love, being a fashion icon/scandal, negotiating with neighbouring countries, traveling with minstrels and acrobats. You name it, I will love you forever and like you for always. Munsch-style optional.

2. Prince Ronald's POV, where he's upset that his rescuer is Elizabeth because he hoped it would be his tennis instructor/partner (for whom he's harbouring a massive crush).

3. The Dragon, upset at being tricked so easily, pursues higher education and challenges future knights with things learned in coursework. And/or becomes Elizabeth's treasurer when she becomes Queen.

The Night Watch - Sean Stewart

Worldbuilding! This book is so amazing to me as a place where science fiction and fantasy collide. I would love to know what happens to make the world this way (is anyone working on fixing the magical disaster?), or what it's like in other pockets of civilization across the globe. I'm interested in hearing about any of the characters and how they relate to the magic. If you want to be hand-wavey on details or leave things as background to fill out the fic instead of making it central, that is fine by me.

Consider crossovers to any of Sean Stewart's other books more than welcome.

Waldesgespräch - Schumann (Song)

I have no specifics because I have too many interpretations of events and can't pick one I want more than the others. If you could tie in the music in some way (maybe with this suggestion that she's silenced his voice) I would enjoy that very much.

Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson

I feel like I should apologize for this because it has very little to do with anything but the first chapter of the book. The first chapter is my favourite. (Sorry!)

What I would like is for you to think of a job that is thought of as somewhat unexciting or mundane and tell me how extreme it is in the future. Anything goes character-wise: an OC, a crossover, a minor character. As a bonus, they could meet Hiro (in the V.R. or in real life) and have an altercation.

(The job titles need some work, but the best I came up with so far is a librarian who, in the future, is also a stacks ninja or a fines collection agent.)

Good luck and have fun,



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