Round One : Week Seven : Challenge & Partners.

Mar 26, 2007 14:31

16(strawberrychan) & 14(raven353)

11(kerilu) & 17(desibabycakes)

12(napkiin) & 7(spottedtail)

First, I would like to congratulate the participants who have survived and managed to get into the final week.

This week is challenging and I'm giving you one week to do this.

Pair Icon
Examples are :

by titan_girl

Here's how you're gonna do it.
I'll be giving the 3 partners, 1 of my old journal posts at my LJ.
You will communicate with each other through that post.
How are you gonna make it?
One person, does the base fixing etc, and the other does the other thing.
But for the second part of the icon, you two swap duties.

Fun eh?
You can choose any series but just as long it fits as a Pair Icon.
One user comment here to receive one of my posts.

1. You must follow the theme
2. Deadline is Sunday 2nd April 9am EST
3. Skips are NOT ALLOWED this week.
4. Your icons must fit LJ requirements.
5. Collaboration is a must!
6. Reply with your finished icon here by the deadline.

Good Luck!

mod post, week 7

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