
May 29, 2006 11:13

Name: Hannah
Age: Fifteen
Femme or Homme: Femme :]
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Relationship status / pictures: In a relatiobnship

(sorry, it's a bad picture, the good one got erased ]: )
Occupation: I'm just a student.
How did you hear of the community?: I found a promotion by oohlalababee

001. Angels and Airwaves
002. Taking Back Sunday
003. Anberlin

Favorite Movies:
001. White Noise
002. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
003. Cruel Intentions

Favorite Books:
001. Inkheart
002. The Giver
003. Killing Britney

001. Making LJ icons, layouts, FO banners, etc.
002. Volleyball
003. Painting (and NO not water-color painting, I use the real stuff)

Please choose 4 of the following to give opinions too. Be as detailed as possible. Don't be lazy here.
Abortion: I know that a lot of people probably wont like my answer to this, but it's something that I feel strong about. I believe that abortion should stay legal. It's a woman's body and she is intitled to do with it as she pleases. Some woman aren't physically able to carry a baby, and some aren't financially stable. Whatever the case, she should be allowed to choose. I know that a woman should take more care of herself and be careful about her sexual lifestyle, but honestly, she should be allowed to choose what she wants to do with her baby.
Gay Marriage: Gay marriage should be legal. Love shouldn't have a gender. People should not be forced to be happy and marry only the opposite sex. I think it's both stupid and wrong to tell homosexuals that they can't marry just because their love isn't accepted by some people in society.
Religion: Religion is beautiful. I'm so glad that it's something that we are able to grow up with. I'm not some freaky bible breather, but I am glad that I'm able to attend church on Sundays and worship. I'm also so thankful that now days people are able to decide what religion they want to be, or if they even want to have one. We should be glad that we have freedom of religion in the United States.
Stay at home moms (SAH Moms) or Working moms:
Drug use: I'm someone who believes that people are able to choose what they do with their personal life. But drugs DO destroy a person's life. And most of the people who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol are teenagers. Which is very sad. I understand doing these things every once in a while, but when you sit back and you get high and/or drunk every single day then you know there's a major problem with society.
Evolution (vs Creation or Intelligent Design):
Other: (whatever you feel passionate about)

This is the part of the application where you can show us your random and funny side. Just please don't be boring and make us fall asleep.

1)Make us laugh with either a joke, story, picture or whatever you want

Photoshop = fun
(she doesn't really look like that, haha)

2)How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsiepop? Well, it's more than three. I know this because I tried to find out once.

3)If you could spend the rest of your life with anyone you could who would it be and why? I would have to say my boyfriend, cause he makes me so happy, and he makes me smile whenever I'm terribly upset. He's the most wonderful person I've ever met.

4)Describe yourself in 5 words. energetic, smart, happy, caring, understanding.

Suck it up and say something nice to your mods
GREEN MOD - oohlalababee : I love your username. That's adorable.
BLUE MOD - leese__Xx : We're in x_candyshop_x together. You're so awesome!
GREEN COMOD - eyesscreamx : Ohh, you're so pretty. I saw your myspace pictures. They're beautiful.
BLUE COMOD - maionaisex20 : You and you're boyfriend look so happy together!
MAINTAINER - drrosensteinmd : You have a really pretty name and I'm in love with the way you do your make-up.

[you must answer ugliest question]
PRETTIEST BLUE PLAYER: asininexprodigy
HOTTEST GREEN PLAYER: wreaking_havok
UGLIEST GREEN MEMBER: goodgal996 (you just look really pale and sick in your picture)

Clear pictures of you (minimum of three showing your face/minimum of five altogether):

Picture of you smiling:


PROMOTE in 3 places and send the LINKS dont just write the name of the community/user, because I will check:
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