I don't know what prompted it, but I stated watching old Muppets bits on YouTube this morning. After seeing a particularly emotional scene where Kermit fired Piggy, I decided to see is there was fanfic for the Muppets because I don't remember that episode at all,
and the YouTube video cut off straight after the firing.
Click to view
I discovered there is fanfic!!
But I was both freaked out and sort of pleased to learn that there's Piggy/Kermit 'ship!fic.
Piggy/Kermit 'ship1fic that deals with serious issues, like the couple's fears about the potential genetic ramifications of their mixed marriage should they decide to have children.
Kid!Tea always just assumed that if Kermit and Piggy had kids, the situation would be handled in one of the usual kid-story fashion of the day:
• the kids would be half-pig, half-frog
• the boys would be frogs ; the girls would be pigs
• there would be pink frogs and green pigs in the family
• there would polka-dotted or striped kids
But the few fics I skimmed over seemed to take the situation much more seriously than I would have.
I guess we're not kids anymore.