Received an anon comment to a pup journal. Asking the pup to email the commenter. Who wants to get to know the pup better. Scary.
[02-06 01:55:51] Who me?: wierdest comment EVER.
[02-06 01:56:09] fuck you: wow.
[02-06 01:56:10] fuck you: yeah
[02-06 01:56:26] Who me?: it made me feel kinda icky
[02-06 01:56:47] fuck you: i don't know what the point is
[02-06 01:56:50] fuck you: it's so random.
[02-06 01:56:57] Who me?: indeed
[02-06 01:57:05] Who me?: bizarre.
[02-06 01:57:11] Who me?: hate scary people
[02-06 01:57:20] fuck you: si.
[02-06 01:58:41] Who me?: am so utterly curious, though.
[02-06 01:58:46] Who me?: because
[02-06 01:59:00] Who me?: you always hear these stories about people who think they ARE the character...
[02-06 01:59:03] fuck you: *grin*
[02-06 01:59:05] Who me?: I WANT MY VERY OWN PSYCHO!
[02-06 01:59:10] fuck you: AHAHAHAH
[02-06 01:59:14] fuck you: well, she's your girl
[02-06 01:59:25] Who me?: i will hug it and pet it and feed it psycho-chow...
[02-06 01:59:42] fuck you: *snicker*
[02-06 01:59:54] Who me?: we will go to psycho-training classes, because you can't let a young psycho walk around in public untrained.
[02-06 02:00:02] Who me?: then you have to clean up after them, which is no fun.
[02-06 02:00:58] Who me?: and on cold winter nights, my psycho will sit curled up at my feet, and we will watch happy movies, like silence of the lambs, and texas chainsaw massacre.
[02-06 02:01:08] Who me?: *happy daydreams*
[02-06 02:01:12] fuck you: heheheheh
ETA: Just had a conversation with hubby. Went something like this.
Me: I have clothes-ray vision. I can see through your clothes.
La: I see.
Me: You know, I just decided I'm going to go through the rest of my life imagining everyone I see naked.
La: Based on a thirty second conversation, you've made a lifetime commitment.
Me: Yup! And I think I'll tell everyone that I've made this commitment, simply because their expressions will be very amusing when I do.
Is it any wonder I'm socially inept?