o.o I'm hot, and! I need a survey >>;;
First off, what's your name? Jillian Susan James
Why did your parents name you that, and do you wish they hadn't? xDD so my grandparents wouldn't nickname me Ginger @__@;; yeah, I'm kinda glad I don't have a stripper name ^^;;
How old are you? 14
How old are you emotionally? (As in, do you think you handle your emotions pretty well and have sorted through most of them) emotionally I'm about 30
How about mentally? about 7 =P
Let's get this one over with- have you ever even had sex before? nopeee
If you're a virgin, do you plan on having sex before you get married? Why or why not? if the time and person is right, sure, because I don't find that as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be =X unless I get pregnant- there aren't really any physical side effects and hopefully I'd care about the person enough the the memory would be worth it if it hurt emotionally
Are you straight, bisexual, gay, or lesbian? Have you ever questioned whether you really are this way? nope, bi and lesbian yes ^__^;; gay no =P
Do you feel comfortable talking about sexual things or uncomfortable? lmao, ask any of the 50,000 people who know =X
Do you feel comfortable talking about sexual things regarding your own experiences, what turns you on, etc.? yeah, why not?
Do you, or have you ever masturbated? Do you think it's okay for members of the sex opposite your own to masturbate and why or why not? LOL, I have but I don't =X lmao, xD! yeah, of course =X I would if I were them >>;;
On a scale of 1-10, one being the least, and ten being the most, how perverted do you feel you are? 11 ^^;;
If you're a teenager, are your hormones making you undoubtedly horny? xDDD wtf?
Have you ever had a sexual dream before, or "wet dream?" Feel free to describe. LOL, you're a sick little bastard arentcha? but, yeah I have =X ask if you really wanna know XD
What do you think of pornography? Have you ever seen it? *shrugs* it's girls and guys having sex, what is there to think of it? >>;; xDD yeah
Do you have any fetishes or things that automatically start to turn you on? If so, what are they? feet ^^;;
Are you flexible, or do flexible people turn you on? (If you don't understand how this question is sexual you probably never will) no anddddd no ^^;;
How do sex scenes in movies make you feel? Disgusted? Hot? Elaborate. Lmao, really really uncomfortable =X I usually watch them with my family or friends >>;;
Did you lie on, or avoid answering any of the above questions? nah, not really ^^;; one I avoided, though *nods* =P
Do you believe in love as a concept? Why or why not? No, I don't believe that anything can truly last forever, that the human mind- which is the only one capable of loving- can truly keep that feeling for all of the time everyone says it's possible because of curiousity and boredom
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? If so, who? nope
Do you love them? Why or why not?
How long have you been together?
If you answered no to the first question in this section, do you have a crush? kinda ^^;;
Do you love them? I like them, but don't love them =X
On a scale of 1-10, one being th least and ten being the most, how important is your boyfriend, girlfriend, or crush to you? 7?
On a scale of 1-10, how important is the way your boyfriend's/girlfriend's/crush's family feel about you to you? 9
If you family hated your crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend, would you still go out with them? Why? yes, because it's my feelings and actions not theirs
DOES your family hate your crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend? xDDD no, they don't know him >>;;
Do you think The Beatles were high when they wrote the song, "All You Need is Love?" LOL, probably e.e;; but it's kinda true? not as far as boyfriend/girlfriend love goes but as far as friendship or family love goes ^^;;
How do you know when you love someone? you can't describe it, it's just a knowledge and a feeling
Is love worth it? sometimes ^^;; I believe in ying and yang and so it depends on whether you mind the balancing part or not
Who is/are your best friend/s of the opposite sex? John, Mike, Josh, and Jarrod
Who is/are you best friend/s of the same sex? Mary
Name one or two people you know you would die for. *points to the above 4 people*
On a scale of 1-10, how important are your friends to you? 15
Have you ever fallen in love with a friend? How did that work out, if you did? yes, we had a great relationship and the friendship is bruised but healing
How well do your friends know you? Do you think they would still be your friends if they knew EVERYTHING, no exceptions, about you? If so, which friends? there's nothing else to know as far as Mary and John go, and the rest... I dunno o.o the other three close friends I have would probably still be my friends but.. I dunno how everyone else would react @__@
Ten years from now, which friends do you hope to still be in touch with? Why? as many as I can ^^;;
Do you have any diagnosed mental disorders? If so, what? nope
Do you have any undiagnosed mental disorders? If so, what? teenage depression?
If you do in fact have a diagnosed or even undiagnosed mental disorder, describe what it feels like and/or your personal experiences with it. o.o I ... dunno.. it's kinda depressing? XD
Have you ever been to a therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist before? If so, were they helpful to you? yep, nope XD
Do you think your dreams are a window into your soul? Or do they have any significance at all? they're dreams, but the aspirations seem too high to be realistic, so dreaming is what gets me day to day and that's enough for me
How would you describe yourself mentally and psychologically? I'm emotional but laid back about it =X unless I go into a panic/stress attack- I'm usually just low key depressive ^^;;
Do you feel insecure with your own person? Have a self-esteem problem? If so, why do you think you do? =X I have a horrible self esteem problem; because I don't feel like I'm a truly good person
What religion or system of beliefs, if any, do you subscribe to? none, but I'm looking at Buddhism ^^;;
Is this a mainstream religion?
What do you think about non-mainstream religions? (Wicca, Hiduism, etc.?) they kick ass- if you can hold your own decisions and keep the faith than more power to you!
How much do you actually know about non-mainstream religions? =X not much, actually
Have you ever tried to convert someone to your own religion? Why or why not? xD! no, being agnostic sucks >>;;
What is your overall opinion of televangelists? whobawhatty?
What is your opinion of evangelists in general? @___@ evil bastards, I HATE HATE HATE them ^__^;;
One word can be said and mean many different things. In the end, how important are words, really? they aren't, simple and plain =X
If you could ask God or whomever you choose as a supreme being one question, and only one, what would it be? (If you're an atheist just skip ahead.) What is this all for?
Is music important to you? Why or why not? yus, it calms me ^^;
Do you sing? If so, do you sing well? sometimes ^^;; I've been told I do =X
What instruments do you play, if any? HELL YEAH BABY! TROMBONE! =D
Do you or have you ever written music before? yeah xD it blew ^__^
What do you think of Eminem? I love the fact that he can put out his opinions and shit, but I don't like him as a person >>;;
In your opinion, what band is the best of all time? (Name a few if you can't decide.) Nine Days
Now for the lightning round. Do you like...
Pop music: yes
Rock music: YUS
Punk music: yup
Rap music: yeah
Country: sometimes ^^;;
Jazz: if I'm in the right mood
Classical: eh, some >>;;
New Age: no ><
What is one band/singer you absolutely love that no one else does or seems to have heard about? Nine days ^^;;
Pick up the nearest CD to you and write a random song lyric from it. "Slow dancing on the boulevard in the quiet moments while the city's still dark, sleepwalking through the summer rain in the tire spaces you could hear her name.."
What is your favorite tv show? =X Cosby show
What is your favorite movie? SOOOO many good ones ^^;; ...aka TOOO many good ones >>;;
If someone made a movie about your life, do you think anyone would want to see it? if they could take the innuendo ^^;;
What is your favorite TV character? GARFIELD
What is your favorite movie character? ...GARFIELD
Favorite actor? Ewan McGregor?
Favorite actress? dunno ^^;;
What is your stance on abortion? *kisses survey* Alright *cracks knuckles* So most people's opinion is "omg you're killing a person and it's not right unless it's rape" yeah, you're STILL killing a person by having an abortion because of rape first of all, aside from that- it's not a person, when you masturbate you kill thousands of sperm, when you have your period you lose an egg- it's not a death because it is the POTENTIAL to make a person. That's like... taking out a box of cookie mix, an egg, and some milk, and than throwing it away and saying that you just killed a cake- it wasn't a cake, it just had the potential to be one. And who knows the reason? Maybe some of the ingredients would be bad, maybe you couldn't take it out of the oven when you needed to- maybe the child would be deformed, maybe you couldn't provide for it what it needs. Stop with the no choice bullshit, you step on an ant and think nothing of it.
What is your opinion on gay people being allowed to get married? I am definately definately for it. It's the choice of two people who care about each other to be together. To get upset at them is like when Bill Clinton was demoted for his sex life- it's none of your business and it shouldn't effect or shake someones life just because you have one
What is your opinion on gay couple adopting? go for it ^^ it'd still be a family and as long as they can provide for the child I think it's great =D
Do you have a political party affiliation? If so, what and why? Democrat- because I am o.o;; never looked up on it but my parents are and most of my beliefs I think fall under the democrat rule so what the hell *shrugs* ^^;;
What do you think about sex before marriage? It's your choice. If you want to do it- than do it.
Tell us one thing you're pretty sure no one knows about. My old old old old best friend's name was Jill.