I’m meant to be writing about something that makes me happy. Something, in fact, that “makes (me) ache because it's so beautiful / feel so small in its vastness / implode with wonder.”
It’s Monday night and that is the PERFECT night for writing about this because every Monday night I am completely BUZZED and sitting here on my patchwork quilt just
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Comments 20
While you might repeat steps and spins, I relive throws, points and plays, waving my hand as if I'm throwing or jumping to catch. I walk home with a huge grin on my face. I think of getting home and wish there was someone who would notice, and care about me enough to ask how my game was. Sometimes there is. :)
Sounds like you really love frisbee :) The endorphinous walk home is awesome no matter what the code (can you have codes for dancing and frisbee? You can now). And isn't it just awesome when our flatmates notice us being happy? Domestic bliss ensues :D
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