To Margie:
Believe me, this is hard for me to say but I am dropping out of Speech and Debate. I do not believe it is for me, and I can no longer handle the extra stress it seems to cause me. I seriously hope this doesn't hurt our friendship as I fear it will but, again, it has caused me nothing but unescessary stress over the last few months. I know I have not yet attended a competition but I am fairly confident that it is not my thing. Competition in and of itself no matter what kind is a big fear of mine. As is speaking in front of a crowd or people I don't know. Also I do not enjoy political discussions. I just don't. Again, I apologize, but I am dropping out. However, I believe you are an excellent debater and speaker and I would be more than willing to donate money so you can go to that big competition.
Sorry I couldn't tell you right to your face... It's just... sometimes... especially during fifth period around lunch you tend to become unaproachable and I fear irritating you further in most instances.
I <3 you.