(no subject)

Feb 04, 2006 13:34

Ive made a decision: I'm going to try harder to type with proper grammar.I'm 14 and it looks pretty dumb for someone my age to type the way i usually do.

1. Would you rather kill a puppy with your bare hands or make out with your father?
-kill a puppy. x.x

2. What would be worse for the world: One giant (approx. 30 feet tall) cybernetic Hitler, or if all food screamed when you ate it?
-tough to say. probably the hitler thing.

3. Zombies become a very harsh reality. Sensing the ethical code society has instilled in you slipping away, you decide to start killing everything that moves with what weapon?
-machine gun, bizzitch

4. When charging into battle, your war cry is?
-....what the fuck

5. A temporal rift has opened up while you were in the bathroom and sucked you into the distant, distant past. Where do you pray to fucking God that you don't end up?
-hmm. i think the past in general kinda sucks. unless it's the 70s, in which case i'd be busting out the disco shit XD

6. Ninjas vs. Pirates: Who wins? Defend your answer.
-pirates yo. damn ninjas cant do a thing against 'em

7. It's your wedding day. However, the night before ants crawled into your head and drove you insane. Whilst in the thralls of madness, you pick what song as your wedding ballad?
-if i were insane? probably like micheal bolton or something disturbing like him. lol.

8. You're driving around and you see an Asian dude on a Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle with a sword strapped to his back. The first thought that comes to your mind is:
-...depends on if hes hot or not....

9. The Battle: A Pit Bull vs. A Pit Bull's body weight in ill-tempered weasels. You place your bets on:

10. A serious Dance-Dance Revolution accident leaves you with special powers. Unfortunately the powers aren't all that super. It seems that all you can do is:
-transform into those stupid anime characters that danced around in the background in earlier versions XD

11. What alcohol do you drink when you absolutely want the whole world to know how much you hate everyone?
-whatevers in the house? lol

12. You have sinned grossly against God and country. Your punishment is to be eaten alive by one of God's creatures. Luckily, you get to pick what creature that is:
-an elephant :O

13. In your most humble opinion, what do you feel is the most vile and savage swearword you can spew forth unto another person:
-ehh. i like 'em all equally. (although calling someone a nigger is pretty bad, i don't even use that word)

14. You get to change the name of the state you are living in. You choose:
-michigan's good

15. Which animal would totally eat you if it could?
-probably all of my cats o--o

16. Sexiest number between 1 and 10:
-six? lol

17. You are carrying your drink back from the bar when you accidentally run into this girl, spilling your drink on her. She's being a total bitch about it but, c'mon, it was totally just an accident. Her boyfriend subsequently challenges you to fisticuffs. Name two friends you'd want on your side in a fight:
-hmm... sean and erynn. lol. sean= strong, erynn = smart. me= weak & dumb, so they help even things out. rofl.

18. If you could, what historical figure would you totally like to peg in the junk with a brick? Don't say Hitler, you uncreative loser:
-lol. probably the stupid fuck who decided to bring black people to america to use as slaves. ~_~

19. What would it cost to make you willingly and knowingly contract pubic lice:
-LMAO. uhm. it would take a lot...

20. Think of the grossest name a strip club could possibly have:
-i have no clue, lol. i dont hand around strip clubs often..

shit. I have to go. perfect timing. ~_~

edit; wait! no, just kidding. I am free to bore you guys some more. lol.

So about this thing with Josh. If you read my post on LF you'll know wat i'm talking about.

yesterday I sat with him at lunch and he seemed really distant. when i asked what was wrong he just kind of shrugged off my question and started talking to his friend aaron about a video game. it really hurt to see him acting like that and if I wasnt afraid of making a scene I would have totally told him how I felt just then. but I kept m,y mouth shut..

ANyway i tried to catch him after school but he ran off before I could get ahold of him. so I rode the bus home and thought of him wondering wat was going on.. but i couldn't figure it out.

So I called him that nite and asked him wat was wrong and he said nothing and that he had to go.

i'm gonna try again today. he cant treat me like this. >:O
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