Minsu fluff

Oct 16, 2009 15:48

Title: Minsu fluff
Length: oneshot
Pairing: Minsu
Genre: fluff
Disclaimer: Dont know
Summary: Changmin shows love? idk...

A SM Insider talks about DBSK


His personality is more edgy.. when he's cold he's very cold, when he's mad he's really mad, when he's playing around he hits you hard, even though he was'nt serious, but it still hurts! But he never hits Yoochun because Yoochun's really sensitive, once back in training days, he hit Yoochun playingly, and Yoochun cried.. so never again after that. Junsu went through a lot of tough times during training days, despite the fact that he was one of the best trainees. Once his voice went away, a lot of people who were jealous were all stumping on him. That was his darkest time.

Junsu's very strong and independent even though he acts cute in front of the camera, but off the camera he's much more mature than he appears to be on camera. It's said that if SM has plans for them to go solo, Junsu would make the first solo debut. Junsu holds himself and others to very high standards when it comes to music, he doesn't allow himself to make any mistake.. a perfecionist to a fault.

Deceptive images


The article wasn’t controversial… not really, not enough to raise the uproar that it had done. An uproar atleast within the confines of the Dongbangshinki household.

If it wasn’t for the persistent meddling of one tiresome member it would have gone by relatively unnoticed.

“So junsu hyung is the one that SM wants to make a break with huh? The one they’re going to invest in?”

“Changmin...” the leader drawled out in warning with a voice that warranted no arguement, not lifting his eyes from the masses of paperwork laid in front of him.

“I’m just saying is all” mumbled the once adorable and now fully formed snark creature that is the magnae of Dongbangshinki.


“Xiah Junsu will be the next solo star to come out of the boot camp that is known as SM Entertainment, whudathunk it huh?”

“Changmin…” warned the tired and emo phasing Mickey Yoochun currently laid out on the leather couch with legs draped over the arm and a ridiculous fedora hat placed on his face.

“Just an observation, sheesh!” flippantly responded the owner of, the bottomless pit, which also doubled as the high vocals for DBSK.


“Kim Junsu and his vocal prowess shall be unleashed upon the human population…


Not diluted with the steadying voices that usually accompany the terror….I mean talent….. Scary huh?”


The warning came too late however as a purple, snake skinned boot hit him straight on the shoulder. Followed immediately by the curse of, a fair skinned, dark haired man with a disproportioned body.


The indignant response was met with cold eyes.

“I was aiming for the face” said the perfect faced man.

Rubbing his shoulder, an injured Choikang Changmin aka Max, was accompanied out of the bedroom that occupied the visual shock that was Youngwoong Jaejoong… by a sympathetic, post emo phase Mickey Yoochun.


“So you’re going solo huh?”




“Hey, get off me you big dolphin voiced kammo asset containing creature!”

“If you don’t move your body off of mine in 5seconds I swear you will lose all reproducing abilities!”




“Hyung….. I can’t breathe; this is going to be classed as murder by suffocation you know!!”




“Promise you won’t ever leave us?” whispered the snark filled, wise beyond his years, dark skinned (and suffering a complex about it), bottomless pit magnae of DBSK with the high voice range of Mariah.

“Promise, won’t ever leave YOU” replied one Kim Junsu; in charge of middle high vocals in the idol group DBSK and currently the sole owner of a scared and timid young heart with false bravado

minsu, oneshot, fluff

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