Title: Deception
Length: Chaptered? not sure yet
Pairing: Hosu, others...
Genre: Angst, possible smut,
Rating: pg-13 for now, possible nc-17 in following updates
Warning: Implied rape in following chapters
Summary: A tragic incident rocks the brotherly relationship between Junsu and Yunho... Junsu awoke on new years day with a dazed and hazy mind, to
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Comments 18
OMG how do you do it?!!! i literally just finished posting!!!
*bows to the master of ninja skills*
babe you never fail to leave me open mouthed in awe~~~ jfwweewt
ok so this update is disjointed on purpose (kinda the way i wanted to write this i guess,... su's perspective is a lil messy considering what he's gone through so... erm yeah )
lubs chuuuuu~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this much
i shall reply to your reply here okay? /winks :)
well, i stalked you, plus school starts late today. :D luckylucky! kasdhaskl i love chuuu too~♥
i really really really like this chapter. i just want to wrap junsu with a blanket to make him feel safe. the poor bb in Ricky's room?! yoochun found out? yunho is just, gah! of all people. junsu. plus drugging him is just downright lowly! the poor boy can't even fend for himself. /weeps.
but i'm glad i found something to smile upon! everyone smacks changmin for his smartass replies♥ this is why i love changmin so much. the wise old man with logic and snark♥
junsujunsujunsu, it pains me so much to see you like this.
but bb! once again, another emotional piece. i love you~~~~~~~~~~♥
and you know i love that duckbutt~ i cant believe im writing this stupid thing about our beloved Susu...*sobs*
you know changmin abuse is just love in disguise~ every smack is akin to a smooch... lol
glad you liked it honey~ hope it clarified a little bit but i have more crack to throw into this fic yet
oh and on a lil sidenote
*puppy eyes*
erm you know theres not a lot of good yoosu fluff being written at the moment.... (you know i adore the way you write yoosu) so even if just a lil drabble maybe? pwease pwease pwease???
lubs chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu xXxXxXxXx
I actually let out a muffled squeal as I read this (don't want my neighbour through the wall thinking I'm being murdered or anything) it's so...horrible for Junsu!
The part about the rape broke my heart but so do the nightmares he faces, and the fact that he can't even get to sleep peacefully when there's quiet.
What a horrible feeling, loosing all trust for someone he trusted completely, and it being replaced with such fear and discomfort.
And what was Yunho doing banging around with Yoochun like that outside Junsu's room?? That seems to be especially insensitive!!
Your writing in this is really deep, very well put together dear.
Yunho... ahh... (all i can say is i have a soft spot for the leader-sshi so maybe he's not the bad guy here? *whoops... said too much*)
thankyou for reading honey,you know it encourages me to keep writing (maybe thats a bad thing considering the crack i come out with! lol)
*squishes you*
thankyou for reading
*hugs and kwissses*
can't wait until the next paart :)
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