Player Information
Name: Robyn
LJ Account:
limitbreaksEmail: supremia[at]gmail[dot]com
Messenger: aim :: limits breaking • iii god eye
Current characters, if any:
Erza Scarlet :: Fairy Tail ♕ [
Lulu :: Final Fantasy X ✗ [
Michiru Kaioh :: Sailor Moon ♆ [
Minako Aino :: Sailor Moon ♀ [
Utena Tenjou :: Adolescence of Utena ♘ [
Yuma :: Claymore ☇ [
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In-Game Character Information
Name: Fang Yun. (In canon, her name is Oerba Yun Fang, meaning "Fang of the Yun clan, from the village of Oerba.")
Series: Final Fantasy XIII
Age: 22
Personality: Fang is chill. Hella chill. She's so calm that she stares danger in the face on a regular basis with little more than a crooked grin and a half-cocked eyebrow. She's unphased by most things, and her lackadaisical manner of speech and lazy, fluid body language gives off the impression of an easy sort of confidence. She's self-assured, most certainly...possibly even over-confident from time to time, but it's all delivered in such a charmingly indolent way that you can't fault her for it. It's just who she is. She's got a good, if fairly sarcastic sense of humor, and likes playfully flirting and poking at people.
That said, it's easy to write her off as uncaring and sometimes even callous because of her nature -- the truth is, she's a lot more bothered about things than she lets on, and that calm behavior belies some serious fire and determination. She's not one to be taken lightly, in a fight or otherwise, and has a pretty sharp wit and a hell of a lot of bravery. When she does get serious, it's a sight to behold. She doesn't like seeing her friends get hurt (Vanille in particular), and when she's trying to help them she'll follow down that path with a single-minded, unwavering focus. When she does fail at something, she doesn't take it well. It hits her pretty hard because a failure to her is not only personal, but a failure to protect those she cares about as well.
She's got a dislike for pre-conceived notions and snap judgments, but tends to be a bit more tolerant of this sort of behavior when friends are doing it -- when Hope calls her homeland "Hell," she pokes him playfully and asks if he's ever been there, but when her people were referred to as monsters by a group of college students, she takes them outside, kicks their asses and steals their money. With that said, she isn't above doing somewhat underhanded things for the greater good -- whatever that "greater good" may be, and usually seems a great deal less remorseful than other people about it. This may be because she has hardened herself against such emotions -- if she feels sorry for everything she does, and everyone she hurts it would simply be too difficult to perform her duties. Nevertheless, it does affect her, although that may not be immediately evident.
Background: Fang was born in the village of Oerba, a secluded area located somewhere in Australia. Presumably, where the most dangerous and mighty of their dinosaurs and other dangerous animals that should be extinct by now, live. She was a pretty difficult kid, due to her constant getting into fights with other kids, usually because said kids were picking on Vanille, and the golden rule in those days was You Do Not Pick On Vanille, Unless You Want Fang to Falcon Punch You.
That said, her childhood was a pretty mundane affair, until a war sprang up against blood traitors and halfbloods. The resulting disaster left Oerba in ruins, and Fang and Vanille as orphans. They were taken in by an orphanage, wherein Fang continued to get into fights to defend Vanille, up until she got her letter to go to Australia Hippie Shaman Magical Village School, which probably has a formal name, but that is what Fang referred to it as. She was very reluctant to go, not wanting to leave Vanille alone for such a long while. But she sucked it up, and went, and a few years later Vanille followed.
And then she got into fights for Vanille there. This is a trend. She mellowed out some throughout the years, managed to graduate (through some miracle, probably because Vanille made her promise not to get into fights and get expelled), and traveled around the world, eventually settling in Romania for a time to do research on dragons, while she waited for Vanille to graduate.
And well, Vanille finished school, but decided she wanted to study Pokemans, so Fang followed her around doing that too. (She would soon discover that Charizards had several similarities to "traditional" dragons, namely that they set you on fire if you weren't careful.) After a while, they settled in Scotland, Vanille got a job at Hogwarts and since Fang figured having a steady job would be a good idea, and it had the added benefit of allowing her to be close to Vanille, she decided to troll teach the little children Weapon Mastery.
Now they live together on the school grounds, in this sickeningly adorable cottage that Vanille decorates because Fang couldn't decorate anything to save her life, and they are pretty much married, except not.
Blood: Halfblood
Preferred House: Gryffindor or Slytherin (this is hard)
Why you think they belong in this house? Slytherin: Fang has several moments of selfishness, and although she admits to her mistakes and owns up to them, she doesn't really come off as too remorseful about it. She's very focused on saving Vanille, yes, but whether or not this extends to other people outside of their small circle of comrades (and even then...) is hard to say. She lacks the ambition and self-preservation instincts of Slytherin though. She is willing to do a lot of selfish and outright cruel things, but all of these things are for the sake of helping one person -- it's just that person trumps um, everyone and everything else.
Gryffindor: She admits to her mistakes when she's hurt people, and accepts that she might be hated for it, which takes a great deal of bravery. She's a daredevil as well, and faces danger with an almost flippant lack of concern. Very reckless. She's brave in other ways too, and her desire to protect Vanille is a Gryffindor trait. Her self-serving nature is more selfless (for Vanille) than full out can argue.
God I don't know. You guys will have to decide. ;;
Staff Position: Weapons Mastery 3-5
Why you think they fit this position? BECAUSE SHE'S BADASS.
Okay no, she isn't what one would refer to as a Weapons Master, but she is skilled at combat and would be pretty good at teaching a class like this. I think her laid-back nature would make her better suited to the younger students as well.
If Professor would you want them to be Head of House? Nah. Too chill for that.
Roleplay Samples
Journal Sample:
[The entry is recorded...drawled, really. The accent is distinctly Australian. And hot.]
Alright kids. Listen up. The name's Professor Fang Yun.
I'm gonna be teaching you younger ones Weapons Mastery. So long as you pay attention, we won't have any unfortunate accidents. Like losing fingers. [Her voice lilts playfully at the last words, then trails off meaningfully. She may or may not be joking.]
We all clear on that? Good.
Roleplay Sample: "Now, boys and girls." Fang twirled a spear in a lazy arc, one-handed, like a baton. The steel flickered weakly in the foggy morning light, and there was a sudden explosion of hay and cloth as it made quick work of the training dummy. "That probably looked pretty easy, I imagine." She allowed herself a moment of self-indulgence as she took in the wide-eyed stares of the children surrounding her. "It's not." She smiled, a grin too confident to be called humble and too crooked to be called arrogant.
"Takes muscle strength, proper execution, and above all else...focus. If you're just spinning this thing around like a crazy person, you're less likely to hit your target and more liable to take a teammates head clear off." She pantomimed the motion of a head flying away, complete with whistling, and laughter bubbled up in the crowd. Satisfied that her joke had gone over well, her green-eyed gaze scanned over the rumpled crowd and landed on a sleepy-looking Gryffindor. She nodded, motioning the boy over. "Bennett, come up here. You first." He'd taken two steps over before she'd thrown a staff to him, the end worn down to a pointed edge. The boy fumbled with it, and Fang made a tsking noise.
"Ah ah ah, careful now. Point that end away from your body. Last time one of you got hurt, I had a lot of explaining to do. Look alive, Bennett. Remember what I said about focus. Alright, fix your stance...not like that. You're fighting, not warming a chocobo egg." There was laughter from the crowd. Once the boy had fallen into a proper position, Fang nodded, satisfied, and took a step back.
"Here's your story. That target dummy, there. He's been giving your girlfriend a lot of cheek. Decided he'd insult her at a party. You gonna stand for that, Bennett? Ready...set...go!"
The boy rushed for the dummy, teeth bared, and was suddenly flung backwards by a reflection spell. He landed at a queer half-angle, and Fang caught the discarded spear as it whistled through the air.
"I forgot to mention. He's got a few tricks up his sleeve. Alright, Bennett. On your feet again, and this time, remember your lessons about reflect shields."
The boy groaned.