TITLE: A Name in the Wind
AUTHOR: Erin Giles
DISCLAIMER: Torchwood and it's characters are property of the BBC.
WORDS: 265
horizonssing Day 13:
Summer Wind by Frank Sinatra
SUMMARY: Names in the sands of time don't last.
Jack felt every grain of sand between his toes as he listened to children screaming, rushing in and out of the water. He could remember playing on the beach as a child with his brother and father but that wasn’t the memory that came back to him now, making him smile.
He watched a young couple sat on beach, towels side by side, one of them drawing in the sand. His shoulders shook as he chuckled at the memory, the childishness of writing names in the sand with shells and love. Eyes had been rolled and feet had scuffed out the names as they scrambled for purchase, fingers clawing playfully at freckled skin, tautened by the sun. Sand had clung to inappropriate places as laughter had rippled in the summer air, caught in the breeze and whipped out to sea.
Jack stayed where he was to watch the sun set like they had done so many years ago. He drank in the warmth of the rays, closing his eyes and listening to the call of the sea as the wind ruffled his hair with it’s soft hands, tickling his cheeks with gentle caresses.
He could still feel his fingers tracing through the sand in a declaration of love and it made him smile to remember a man that he had loved with his heart and soul. He would never forget his Ianto Jones, even now, years later on another world miles from the original memories of summer days. Time would pass like grains of sand but Ianto Jones was in every whistle of the wind.