My first full week in Tassie. I was supposed to do a bunch more working than I did, but that was kind of okay with me.
Monday kicks of with the view from my desk though:
Hate me yet? :)
I managed to crack a tooth over the weekend, so on Tuesday it was off to the dentist with me.. bluergh:
Wednesday I didn't have to work, so I want for a nice walk instead, and met this gorgeous creature:
This made me laugh on Thursday - I was down at the local supermarket and spotted this jar of pickled onions on the shelf:
Friday is 'club' night - drinkies down at the RSL with Helen - cheers! :)
Saturday .. yeah .. Saturday was hangover day. Achem. Sunday!! Sunday we went to La Trobe to have a walk around the market. I saw this sign that made me giggle:
And that was the week that was.. :)