
Oct 03, 2005 13:01

** basics **
Name:: Melanie
Nickname:: Mew, Tear, teartaye
Location:: Alberta
Gender:: female
Birthplace:: Alberta
Birthstone:: Ruby
Birthday:: ...
Sign:: Cancer
Righty or Lefty:: Righty
Screenname:: Can't sleep, vines'll get my headphones, can't sleep, vines'll get my headphones *rocks*

** your looks **
Height:: 5'7
Weight:: Too fucking skinny
Shoe size:: 9ish
Hair Color:: blonde/brown
Hair Length:: Long
Eye Color:: blue
Size:: *Blink* whatever fits?
Glasses:: Yup
Braces:: Had 'em
Piercings:: Just the ears
Tattoos:: none

** fashion **
Where do you shop:: Winners, goodwill, trading closets
What do you usually wear:: Towel pants and a hoodie
What kind of shoes do you wear:: Fancy shoes for work or beaten up sneakers from payless
Do you wear a watch:: Yup. But I'm not your watch, buy your own!
Color you never wear:: Normally white, but my dress code blew that right out the window, didn't it?
Color you wear at least once a week:: Purple
Something you wear everyday:: My watch...
Do you wear make up everyday:: I never wear makeup
Make up essential:: Chapstick/lip balm
Most cherished piece of clothing:: Towel pants
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing:: High heeled stilettos
Do you wear belts:: Sometimes...
Do you wear hats:: Not really unless a toque counts
How many pairs of shoes do you have:: Not including my cleats/riding boots? 4

** music **
Favorite kind of music:: Rock
Least Favorite:: Rap
How many CD's do you have:: about 60
Last CD you bought:: The wall - Pink Floyd
Whats in your CD player right now:: Underneath/This time around/Pink Floyd (discman, stereo and compy respectively)
Do you download music:: Nothing illegally ^.~

** Favorites **
Color:: blue-green
Number:: 17, 8
Season:: Winter
Ice cream:: Chocolate chip mint, That co-op raspberry stuff or french crisp... or bubblegum.
Website:: Psypets.net
Quote:: Did you exchange, a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
Store:: Iono, laura secord or trading closets I guess
Band:: Hanson, Averi
Singer:: Taylor Hanson? um... Sarah Mclaughlin I guess
Rapper:: ...
Group:: I take it by group you mean a group of people who can't sing and don't play instruments but still make money with their crap music in the corporate music industry? NTY
Song:: Bridges of stone, Love, One way Ticket (hanson), Wish you were here (Pink floyd), Mouthfull of sand (Averi)
Movie:: Ice Age
Actor:: That funny guy. Yeah, him. :P
Actress:: Um....
Kind of movies:: Comedy
Place to be:: There's a rock down by the river
Time of day:: Just before dawn
Animal:: Horse
Food:: Chocolate
Holiday:: Halloween
Shape:: Flowers
Restaraunt:: I don't like restuarants
Fast food place:: Tim Hortons
Boy's name:: Shane
Girl's name:: Esmeralda
Word:: Confuzzled
Month:: May
Candy:: Frosted Mint bars

** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference:: bi
Boyfriend or Girlfriend:: Nah
Crush:: Not really
Do you believe in love at first sight:: Sure, why not?
What do you look for in a guy/girl:: Politeness, kindness, gentleness
Best physical feature:: Hair!
Best hair color:: *shrugs*
Best eye color:: *shrugs*

** randoms **
Do you paint your nails:: no
What color is your tooth brush:: um... pink
What's on your desktop:: Hanson
Do you like roller coasters:: Nope
Do you do drugs:: Do caffeine and nicotine count?
Are you a virgin:: Nope
Do you have any pets:: 2 cats and a dog (the hampster died cuz nuke forgot to feed it. Ah well, the lil fucker didn't like me anyway)
What time do you go to sleep:: 10-11pm


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