
Oct 18, 2005 11:58

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You should be Cleopatra

You love the fun of Halloween. The fun of picking a Halloween costume, planning the best parties, and eating all the candy that you can in one night has always appealed to you. You are a fun person to be around and you always enjoy yourself, no matter what the occasion.

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You are a pop culture dancer

You may not have practiced in front of the mirror for hours but your still a good dancer. You don’t really care about what you look like, you’d rather just have fun. Some of your main moves come from movies and past dance crazes. Everyone loves watching your antics on the dance floor.

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Talking too much about the future

Your first date faux pas is talking too much about the future. Despite what you may think, you don't need to discuss marriage, kids and your hopes for the future during your first date. You might give the "false" impression that you are crazy.

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You are 73% Psychic

You are psychic. You are above average when it comes to perceiving the future. You are very observant and clever, with a good amount of common sense. It is very easy for you to predict things and be correct.

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You should have grown up during the eighties

A very different decade for very different people. You like to challenge the norms, and try to be original at all costs. Plus the music was definitely cool. Go Retro Night.

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You are 26% evil

You are not so evil. You are overall a nice person, although I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side. You have an extravagant imagination.

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You hate stupid people!

You hate the people who always say vapid things at the most inopportune times. The one’s who are always above you at work, although they know nothing about anything. Damn those stupid people.

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You will be famous for writing a national bestseller

You are very observant and tend to be the wallflower at parties. You are intuitive and know just how to communicate everything that you are feeling to those around you.

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WOOT!! *dances*

Quizzy Thing
7 years ago... (stolen from [info]sleepy_dood)

How old were you? 13
What grade were you in? 8
Where did you work? nowhere
Where did you live? Parent's house
How was your hair style? Pretty much the same as now. Long and ponytailed
Did you wear braces? I think I got them off the year before
Did you wear contacts? no
Did you wear glasses? yes
Who was your best friend? Oh... um... Emily maybe?
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? Single
Who was your celebrity crush? Taylor Hanson ^.~ Some things never change
Who was your regular-person crush? Tierney
Were you a virgin? Yup
How many piercings did you have? Just my ears
How many tattoos did you have? none
What was your favorite band? Hanson
What was your biggest fear? Iono, probably wolves
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? A couple
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? nope
Had you driven yet? Nope
If so what car(s) did you use? N/A
Which of your pets were still alive? Igor and Mickey were still alive. got kitty and star later that year
Which members of your family were still alive? Godmother. I think that's all that's died in the last 7 years...
Which members of your family were not born yet? My cousin's on Lori's side, my Godsisters child (my "neice")
Where did you chill on the weekends? At home :P

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