Ack, ridiculous! I do have some free time on my hands though, and these questionnaires never cease to amuse.
1. Where is the last place you held hands?
On an outdoor ice rink with my husband. He was trying to warm me up, lucky me got to stick my hands in his shirt. I think I'll feign cold spells more often...
2. If you were drafted into the army would you survive?
Absolutely, I'm an army brat, it's in my blood. I'd most definitely prefer NOT to go to war because it would rub harshly against my feminine leniences, but to quote the popular "Survival of the Fittest" and baby, I'm fit.
3. Do you sleep with the TV on?
Don't have a television in my room. The bedroom is to practice making babies. (You know, so when we decide to have some, we do it right ;)
4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
I have, but its kind of gross. Not that I'm a germaphobe, I'll eat off anyones plate, it's just that milk coagulates around the rim, and that's disgusting in your mouth.
5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
Nope. But I will mop up ANYONE in Words with Friends.
6. What is your longest fight with one of your friends?
Ack, that would be... about a year and a half. A friend tried (not purposely I'm sure) to come between my husband and I. He was a mutual friend, and although he introduced us, he was not invited to our wedding. Sad actually, we're still working on mending the friendship.
7. Are you a fast typer?
I'm on a computer close to 8 hours a day. Not to mention the iphone, ipad and kindle. You do the math (or visual as it were)
8. Are you afraid of the dark?
Yup. I have an extremely overactive imagination, add in 'worry wort' syndrome and I'm a goner. My husband holds all the logic in our relationship, he keeps me grounded.
9. Do you like someone right now?
Um, yes. See above responses.
10. What ended your last relationship?
Can I remember that long? Oh right, Martin. Great guy, he was a friend that I never really should have dated to begin with. We just weren't meant for each other in that way. Now we are not even friends anymore, which is really too bad.
12. Do you knock on wood?
Yes. My favorite innuendo is knocking on the wood in my hubby's pants. heeheehee.
13. Are you drinking anything right now?
14. Do you think you're smart?
I'm a leo, of course I think I'm smart. In my own special way.
15. Have you ever been in love?
Yes I have, and I am. My life revolves around love. Love my neighbor, Love my God, Love my husband.
16. Do you miss someone right now?
Once someone is forever gone, you will forever miss them.
17. What do you want for Christmas?
The rock my hubby just bought me this past Christmas. Can't wait to have it paid off!!!
18. Do you know the muffin man?
Rhetorical question.
19. Do you talk in your sleep?
How would I know this? I'm sleeping. I do however talk in my dreams, whether or not it is vocalized is a mystery to me.
20. Do you remember your 1st crush?
Um. Not really. I remember early crushes but which is the first? Not sure.
I'll just say that I loved David Boreanaz and still do. Loved John Cena and still do. Loved Will Smith and still do. Guess I'm into long term crushes. Newest crush is John Mayer. (I share this crush will my hubby- who has a man-crush)
21. Have you ever flown a kite?
Not many times but yes.
22. When was the last time that you went swimming and where?
Actual swimming? Never, can't swim. But I do go splash around in the shallow end.... which would be the second weekend of January when we went to Alyeska Resort in Girdwood to celebrate my roommates birthday. Salt water pool & 16 person whirlpool - divine.
23. Do you consider yourself successful?
I've got a kick-ass job as a marketing coordinator, a home, a vehicle, an amazing partner... yeah, it pretty much shouts awesome.
24. How many people are on your contact list of your cell phone?
Yeah, definitely not counting that.
25. Have you ever asked for a horse?
Allergic. But I would take one if offered. If I let my allergies get in my way, I'd never do anything. Since I'm allergic to like EVERYTHING!
26. Plans for tomorrow?
Get up, make the hubby breakfast & lunch, go to work, walk the dog, maybe read a bit of my book, play some pond to warm up for my game, then hockey game with the hubby, then I'm def going to get laid in the shower, and to bed.
27. What did you do this past weekend?
House sat my parents dogs, drove to Girdwood and stayed in a cabin up in the mountains for the night, played some hockey and generally hung out with the hubby.
28. Miss being at school right now?
Sure. School exercises the mind and you learn something new everyday, you don't even have to try- it's just handed to you. Wish I realized that when I was still in school.
29. When's the last time you told someone you loved them?
30. Do you want to be single?
Hell no.
31. Do you have a big penis?
I own a vagina.
32. Who's your hero?
You're probably all snickering by now but my husband. He's amazingly talented in everything he does. I like to call him 'charmed'. Anything he touches, he easily masters. Any game he plays, he'll beat everyone, every time. He always makes the right decisions, even if it sounds crazy at the time. In the long run, he's right, every time. But he's not arrogant, and he manages to make everyone else in the room feel like they're 7 ft tall. Although he can be bossy and he's impossible to wake up - every hero has his kryptonite ;)
33. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
Nope, I'm an angel.
34. What are you looking forward to?
Moving to Texas so my husband can pursue a music career.
35. If you could be stranded with one person for 24 hours, who would it be?
37. Have you ever eaten dog food?
Um, no.
38. Can you handle the truth?
YOU can't handle the truth!
39. Do you like green eggs and ham?
Okay these questions are just getting more and more ridiculous.
40. What 3 things do you always bring with you to places?
Iphone, shoes, ring
41. Any cool scars?
Barely. I heal abnormally well.
44. What's your deepest secret?
Don't really have any... maybe what a crazy person I was in college. None of the people that are a part of my life now are privy to that information. But if they asked, I'm not trying to hide anything.
45. How often do you talk on the phone?
Not that much. I'm not really a talker. I prefer to text or social media.
46. Do you believe in love?
Of course.
47. Is there something you want that you can't have?
I want a house. an actual home. with a fucking picket fence. But I'll have to be patient. Let the young live!
48. Four things about the preferred sex that you first notice?
Shoulders/back, the way they carry themselves and walk, eyes, smile.
49. When was your last time you cried?
Pfft. When I was on my period. I don't even remember why, just that the world was fucking ending.
50. Who did you last hug?
51. Do you get along with your family?
Yes. Although I still smack my lil bro around quite a bit (at 16 he's twice my size, but I still show him who's boss)
52. Where is your phone?
Next to my mouse. On silent, because I'm at work.
53. What was the last thing you ate?
54. Favorite color?
Watermelon. That's pink and green for all you non-color-intelligent folk.
55. Last movie you saw?
Social Network. I watched it completely against my will and grievously, I loved it. Great movie.
56.What are you listening too?
John Mayer
57. What do you want?
For my dog to stop being such a little bitch. Thank God she's only 8 months. There is still hope.
58. Favorite car?
Old refurbished flair-side pick-ups.
59. What T.V. show are you watching?
Chopped, I record every flipping show, and NO TALKING!
60. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
A client. Since I'm at work, lol.