Title: I Don’t Care…
Fandom: Hellsing
Characters: Alucard and Seras Victoria
Word count: 185
Prompt: 76. Who?
Rating: PG
Summary: … What you think. Go away.
Author’s notes: Ahem. Warped little drabble, ain’cha? Another one-sit, one-save, one-proofread... thing. (As the author, I really do care! Tell me what you think!)
He’s twisted.
Twisted and insane, but only a little bit of the second one. Of course, she’s probably partially insane herself so she overlooks it. Who is she to decide what’s insane anyway? Claiming sanity is what disproves it; why not deny it?
He’s twisted and insane and almost lost and she keeps him with her, because without her, who would he have?
The moon? Luna waxes and wanes, never the same for more than one night. The sun? Soleil burns their flesh, stings their eyes, bleaches bones in the painful light. Humans? What about them? Humans are fragile things, and while she remembers herself as one, seeing him breakable and weak like that is nigh impossible. He is strong and powerful and twisted and not lost for she keeps him with her.
She might be twisted too, but she can never tell. Who would let know her anyway? Him? No, not he. He’s twisted like her and if he thought she was, he’d never tell because she keeps him from being lost. They’re both twisted and somewhat insane, and neither is lost.
Who cares?
Little Damn Chart Archive