Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter
Title: Mr. Elric
Part: 14 of 15
Genre: General
Rating: G
Warning: Crossover
Spoilers: FMA episode 51; HP book 5
Archived @
Master ListSummary: Edward Elric from various points of view.
Chapter 14: Albus Dumbledore2
It was a lovely Sunday afternoon, approximately four months after coming to Hogwarts when Edward asked to see me. I assumed it was about the groundless magazine articles published since that picture in Witch Weekly. I was wrong.
He had found a way home. By combining our world's flexibility of use and his own powers, he guessed that by trading his arm (again), he could earn himself another ticket through The Gate. Supposedly, he'd already crossed it four times up to date, from his, to 1920 Munich, German, back to his, back to Munich, then the last time he attempted with his father, they'd crossed through time to the present.
It's disappointing to those with inquisitive minds, like myself, that the two of them can't remember how they got through time instead of dimensions. Apparently, it was one of their sacrifices, their memory for their lives; one thing for another.
"In theory, it should work." said Edward. "Your world isn't as strict as mine. This world doesn't require strict regulations of equivalent trade as mine does. If I used that loophole and what this world supposedly allows alchemists to do, it should work."
"How can you be certain that you can use alchemy at all?" I asked, "You've tried, I assume."
He nodded. "If anything, being at Hogwarts enhances my abilities." he said. "All this magic in the air is doing wanders.
"When are you leaving?"
"Monday night."
"How will we know you've succeeded?"
Uncomfortable shift. "You probably won't."
"What is the succession rate."
"50 percent."
"Have you told your father?"
"Does he agree with you?"
"Are you in need of assistance?"
"Hogwarts is going to miss you."
T . B . C