Title: Out of the Howling (part 11/12)
goldy_dollar &
_thirty2flavorsRating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Ten II/Rose
Genre: Angst, drama
Summary: Six years after Bad Wolf Bay, Rose gets a message from another universe.
Excerpt: “No. We are not using this - this self-sacrifice reunion afterglow to sweep this under the rug, we are not. It’s not fair.”
Previous parts:
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Comments 2
Spoilers for chapter 12 under the cut:
[Spoiler (click to open)]It was a good idea to have the conversation between the Doctor and Rose in several stages like this, there was a lot to cover. Even at the beginning of Chapter 12, reading Rose's feelings gave me some doubt that things would end happily, because could it really be possible to get from there to that in just one chapter? Turns out it was, and in a believable way thanks to good writing ( ... )
I really appreciated the conversation between Jackie and Rose. I could hear Jackie's dialogue in Camille Corduri's voice so clearly. I wondered if part of Jackie's emotion when she's asking Rose how she'd feel if she knew the Doctor had died to save her is partly fuelled by her remembering, even if just subconsciously, the events of Father's Day, kissing Pete goodbye as he set off to deliberately step in front of that car. She mentions Pete right after she says that.Thanks! Jackie is basically the best so I'm so glad you think that we wrote her well. I can't say that we deliberately had that scene from Father's Day in mind when writing the scene, but I like that point! Jackie's POV on Cloen/Rose is fun, though, because she knows them better than basically anyone else in Pete's World so gets to occasionally call them out on the fact that they can be stupidly self-absorbed about each other. I think she's also being a little selfish though ( ... )
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