App for thevelvetkey

Aug 04, 2011 22:20

Player Info:

Nickname: Jayes
Age: 19
Personal LJ: last_encore
Method of Contact: AIM: TehJayes | MSN: | Plurk: moonpaper
Characters Played: None!

Character Info:

Name: April Sinclair
Age: 28
Canon: OC
Pull Point: N/A

Background Info:

History: During the year 2089, a new sand-like substance was discovered by the UK deep within the seafloor of the Atlantic ocean which, when inhaled, held the ability to manipulate the genes of living things; it was even able to give organisms an extremely long lifespan. Because of its ability to either grant longevity or unique abilities to however who used it, the substance was dubbed “Evergreen”. However, the substance was volatile and there was no way of knowing before hand what it would do to its user and even then the results would not always be a profitable; it was capable of causing deformities, insanity or death. Because of this, Evergreen was kept out of the public and was rarely used on humans; information on the substance also never left the UK. However, at one point there was an information leak, either accidental or done by a mole and news of this substance spread across the world and soon other countries began to gather Evergreen for themselves to use on soldiers and other experimentations.

However, the demand for the substance became so high that the natural supply soon ran dry, so the countries began to acquire Evergreen from another source; each other. In 2113, a world wide war broke out which was dubbed “The Evergreen War.” The war did not last long however, as the highly volatile nature of Evergreen was underestimated, and the bombings of areas near where Evergreen was held in every single country led to a chain of cataclysmic explosions that more or less wiped out life on the surface of the Earth; only those who sought shelter underground survived while the substance distilled itself in the air. It took around 100 years before humans and other living things could begin to live on the surface once again. And even then Evergreen continued to exist in the air, and was especially thicker in the areas where the ruins that used to house the material. Because of this, some humans that were born on the surface after this were either granted abilities or were deformed in some way; it was also possible for both to occur. However, over the years humans soon began to develop an immunity against Evergreen, so the number of individuals infected by it became smaller and smaller. The animals however, continued to be affected by Evergreen and have now become heavily mutated, as well as gaining odd abilities.

Now, the world is split into factions of sorts; there are “Settlers”, those who have decided to stay within makeshift cities and settlements. “Lurkers” are those who live amongst the wastelands, enslaving, raping, killing and/or torturing those who walk the wastelands without protection. “Drifters” are those who travel the wastelands, although they are few due to the dangers of Lurkers and the mutated animals. And then there are the “Evers”, those infected by Evergreen and are casted away from everyone due to a combination of fear at their abilities and deformities and misplaced hate; because those who brought the death of nearly everything wielded Evergreen and thus the hate towards them is instead directed towards those who are now infected.

April Sinclair was born in the year 2267 in the wastelands of England, now known as the “English Wasteland”, in a city called Skegs, which was created from the remains of Skegness and the nearby remains of old planes and boats. Due to complications during prenatal development, she was born with a damaged left leg; the muscles had never properly developed and so she found walking on it difficult and painful, although she was given leg braces to aid her. Her father, Davis Sinclair, worked as the communications officer and electrician while her mother, Yasmin Sinclair, worked as a merchant; due to the fact that Yasmin was away a great deal of the time because of her occupation, Davis more or less raised April and taught her everything he knew about electronics. It was during this time that her incredible skills in dealing with electronics was revealed and when combined with her father’s encouragement, her skills flourished more so and she displayed the same level of skill when it came to working with both computer hardware and software. However, at the expense of gaining these skills, April spent more time with electronics than with people and was thus thought as being highly anti-social by the other residents of Skegs; the reality was that due to spending most of her time tinkering rather than interacting with others, she became uncertain of how to act around others and would end up becoming flustered. Alongside teaching her about electronics, Davis also taught her how to wield different types of guns so that she could protect herself, and she showed most skill in using sniper rifles. Therefore it was no surprise that April became incredibly close to her father and she grew up to become a cheerful, although highly shy, young girl.

When April became 15, her father began to notice that electronics would begin to act odd when she was around them; devices that would never have worked before now do so after she tinkered with them and some devices would do things that they were never suppose to, such as communication devices belting out songs, specifically old songs that April was fond of. At first Davis had ignored them and thought of them as glitches, until he heard from other residents that they saw April speak to an ancient TV screen and the screen seemed to reply, with answers appearing on the screen in response to April’s questions. It was at this time that April’s Evergreen abilities had manifested although it was highly different from usual; an Evers abilities showed themselves in the very early years and were usually random, while April’s were shown to be linked with her skills in electronics and didn’t emerge until she was in her teens. If anything, this made the residents of Skegs fear her even more and she was thus exiled into the wastelands; neither of her parents tried to protest against this and as she was sent out into the wastelands she saw the look on her parents face, the look of hate and disgust as they casted away their only child, even her beloved father thought her as a monster. Now with only her abilities, her sniper rifle and a damaged leg, April was casted away from the safety of her home and into the dangerous wasteland. Yet, April knew that they weren’t entirely to blame, after all she had feared Evers before she knew that she was one and if anything she hated herself; she hated how she was allowed to live a happy life before having it forcefully taken from her. The harsh betrayal that she suffered at the hands of all those she cared about, as well as showing her that humans were vile, evil, disgusting liars, twisted the once innocent girl into a cold, distant killer.

April wandered the English Wastelands alone; she charred and shot any humans that crossed her path. But after a few months she stopped; she just couldn’t see the point in killing, it wouldn’t change anything and she was only helping to add to the belief that Evers are mindless monsters. After that, she continued to wander the wastes, only killing when it was necessary and surviving by stealing alongside the random goodwill of a few Drifters that she came across. These seemingly small acts of goodwill had a great influence; even when she told them that she was an Evers, they still insisted on helping her. It was these acts that gave April the hope to not give up on humans, that there were those out there who weren’t liars and that she could still trust them; she managed to keep a hold of this belief even after witnessing the horrors that Lurkers inflict on others. Soon April began to act as something akin to a bodyguard for Drifters; although there was no way she could get into a physical fight because of her leg, she instead attacked from afar via the use of her sniper rifle and electrokinesis and used her technopathy to interfere with enemy communications.

Just after her first year in the wastelands that while travelling with a group of Drifters that she met another Evers, an old man named Quinton, who could control earth. He was similar to April in the sense that he wished to aid humans and he decided to travel with April. He was a very cheerful and optimistic man, and he taught April to do the same, to always remain hopeful even if the entire world is against you. Quinton also taught her the one piece of advice that she would hold close to her: “Never let the actions of a hundred condemn the lives of millions.” He taught her, that despite the betrayal that she suffered from those she cared about, to never give up on humans, that those who would aid her were in greater numbers than those who would hurt her. And he was right; during their travels through the English Wasteland, although they did encounter large numbers of humans that distrusted them, the number of humans who helped them was larger.

Quinton and April continued to travel together for another seven years, helping those who required it and to get rid of the stigma against Evers. It was during this time that April felt truly happy, she was helping to make a difference and she grew to love Quinton as a father; after all if it wasn’t for him, she may have lapsed back into the emotional state she had when she had left Skegs. But Quinton was an old man and he was only getting older; so he asked April if they could spend the last few days of his life in a nearby settlement. Although distressed at the thought of his impending death, she agreed to his request and they stayed at the settlement which housed a vast population of Evers. She stayed by his side at every possible moment before he died a week later, with April at his side in his last moments.

Although struck hard by his death, April took his teachings to heart and refused to let her sadness overcome her. Therefore, she decided to continue to wander the wastelands to help others as well as to get rid of the stigma surrounding Evers. However, before she left a younger Evers who had the ability to warp an individual’s perception of time insisted that she join April in travelling the wastes. The younger Evers, Michelle, also wished to use her abilities to help others in anyway possible and admiring Michelle’s enthusiasm; April agreed to take her along. They both now continue travelling the English Wastelands and have now turned their goals to helping others rebuild the country and bring it back to its former glory.

A couple of years later, April and Michelle have managed to assemble a group of similar minded people and this group has now become well known across the Wastelands, gaining both strong support and firm opposition. By this point, April and her group had managed to establish between at least three of the major settlements in the English Wastelands and had begun to make steady but slow progress towards reaching their goal. And it was during these years that changes had began to occur in the Evers; their powers had began to change, become even more powerful and, although it was not obvious at first, Evers who had reached their twenties and past that had stopped physically aging. These changes come about the continued intake of Evergreen from the air, and thus the chemical changed the Evers even more. April underwent this change, and as a result, she can now generate incredible amounts of electricity. But despite all this, April and her group continued to work towards their goal.

Personality: One of the first things people might notice about April is how incredibly cheerful and optimistic she is; something surprising due to the dark environment that she has lived in. She always looks on the bright side, even if the situation seems hopeless, and to see her in any sort of depressed or serious state is very rare and in the few instances she is serious, it never lasts long. It was due to the influence of Quinton and her friends that she's become such a hopeful and cheerful young woman and to her it's always a matter of 'when' not 'if'. And it's her hopeful nature that drives her to achieve her goals; she's not the type of person to give up easily and it's difficult to deter her from her goals when she has her mind set on it. April can be incredibly stubborn and driven, to the point that it gets frustrating for the people around her since she refuses to back down.

However, April is a very easy-going and friendly young woman, although she is rather socially awkward due to spending most of her childhood on her own, while her friendly attitude towards others is rather confusing due to the harsh environment she lives in; she simply finds it easier to treat others how she would like to be treated and sees no reason in being cruel to others. While over the years she's found it easier to talk to others and has started to become rather outgoing, she still has a tendency to become slightly flustered when talking to someone she isn't familiar with, but after a while she will start to become more confident. When she's with someone she's familiar with, she is talkative and energetic, and this is when people see more of the reckless and fun-loving side of April; she can be a bit of a thrill seeker at times and her natural curiosity means it's not strange for her to go and do something stupid. Though despite how friendly and laid-back she is, April is brutally honest and also rather tactless; she has no trouble saying the truth and will never sugar-coat it. If there's one thing April cannot stand, it's a liar.

Another main factor about April is her incredibly mild temper, which is a result of what Quinton had taught her before. She doesn’t see much point in getting angry over small things and is thus able to keep a level head during confrontations. April usually prefers to think logically and plan things out before acting, and despite her tendency to become flustered, she is usually able to keep a level head even when under pressure. And because of her easygoing nature and patience, she isn’t the type of person to hold a grudge and the only times that she would even consider taking revenge on someone would be when they have hurt someone she likes for no reason. She can be serious at times, depending on the circumstances and if she is required to, but she usually refrains from doing so; the few times that she is serious it doesn’t take long for her to revert to her usual cheerfulness.

As a result of April's general cheery attitude, she appears a lot less intelligent than she actual she is, when the truth is that April is a very intelligent young woman. Due having lived in an environment where the next thing to kill you could be around the corner or even the seemingly nice old lady, April is highly observant of her surroundings and the people around her. This means that it's difficult to fool April, no matter how oblivious she seems, and she usually pick up on if someone is lying. Her intelligence also shows in her expertise with electronics; she is greatly skilled at working with electronics and hacking, especially since one of her powers is technopathy. But even without that power, she is an expert hacker and is highly knowledgeable in the workings of electronics and she is highly confident in her skills, almost to the point of arrogance.

But despite how cheerful and friendly April is, there is a much darker side to her. As a result of living in a place where one must kill to survive and coming close to death a few times herself, April holds a very nonchalant view towards death and killing; she doesn't enjoy it but she'll do it if she has to without even blinking, but she does enjoy the thrill of a good fight. And due to the horrors she has witnessed over the years, April is fearless in the face of danger and she doesn't hold any fear of death; this mindset means that April can and will rush into dangerous situations without any care. And while she is no longer bothered by it anymore, the betrayal she suffered at the hands of her parents have deeply scared her and as a result, she finds it incredibly difficult to trust anybody and she hasn't done so for 13 years, despite how affectionate she can be, and not a single person knows the reason why she lives in the Wastelands, not even Quinton before he died. In the end, April would rather be optimistic and help others than dwell on her own problems and pain.

Game Specific:

Arcana: Star

Hope: April is a very hopeful young woman who firmly believes that not matter what happens, everything will work out in the end no matter how long it takes.
Joy: She's pretty much nearly constantly happy and has a smile on her face most of the time.
Confidence: April is a very confident about her skills with both electronics and firearms, and isn't afraid to show this.
Lack of Trust: April is a very distrustful young woman and despite how kind she is to everyone, she doesn't trust anybody and hasn't done so for 13 years.
Stubbornness: She can be very stubborn, to the point that when she sets her mind on something it's difficult to deter her, even if it's something stupid or dangerous.


First Person Sample:
[April had been in Prospero for a few days now and while she had managed to get her hands on a weapon of some sort, she was a bit... bored during the day. She was so used to working back home that not having anything to do throughout the day bothered her a bit. So, it's time to send out a video message!]

Um, just wondering, but what kind of jobs can you get here? I worked with computers and electronics a lot back home, so maybe I could something relating to that, though I'm not picky...

[She trails off, looking thoughtful for a moment.] Oh, maybe I could try cooking somewhere? I'm pretty good at that! ... T-though I'm still not used to using an actual oven yet, a-ahahaha... [April looks a tad sheepish as she says that.]

Third Person Sample:
This isn't home.

That's the first thought that comes to April's mind as she looks at her surroundings, at the grey buildings, before the thought is followed by panic and just general shock. There's no way this is home, the buildings are in tact, nothing is in ruin, that's impossible-

She forces herself to take a deep breath to calm herself down, before taking another look at her new surroundings. It was... very different from what she was used to, but a place that wasn't in ruin like back home couldn't be that bad, right? And further inspection revealed a... small phone by her feet, but when she tried to use her technopathy to inspect it, nothing happened, no matter how much she tried. So to make sure, she tried to use her electrokinesis but again, nothing... her powers didn't work. They were gone. April has to fight down the sudden surge of panic and instead returns her attention to the city; there had to be a reason why she was brought here and now she no longer has her powers, so it's time to investigate.

!ooc, !app

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