18th Fix

Jul 20, 2011 23:41

[This morning, a very large package arrived on the porch of 339 Brady Lane with Quinn's name on it. He looks at it for a moment, but the wonder doesn't last long - he knows exactly what it is. Gleefully, he skips off into the garage and runs back out with a hammer to pry the huge box apart. Inside is a massive flat screen TV, 60 inches long. ( Read more... )

toys!, machines will console me, neeeeerd, regains ahoy

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Comments 114

notlikethemovie July 21 2011, 18:22:27 UTC
[This drags her out of her hiding place after her traumatic experience coming home from work.]

The hell is going on out here?


techno_mancer July 21 2011, 19:41:12 UTC
[Quinn's noticed his housemates have been a bit on the intense side lately. He spends most of his time in the garage, though. Right now, though, the box opens, and inside is that giant TV.]

THIS is what's goin' on.


notlikethemovie July 22 2011, 02:46:11 UTC
Holy shit, where did you get that?

[Her attention, Quinn has all of it.]


techno_mancer July 22 2011, 16:42:21 UTC
Just came in the mail. I guess Mayfield is tryin' to make up for a week full of hideous embarrassment.

[He looks at the TV fondly for a moment.] This almost does it.


ra_ra_razputin July 21 2011, 23:47:59 UTC
[Raz has just been

staring at it

for like an hour.

It's as big as he is how can this be.]


techno_mancer July 22 2011, 01:53:27 UTC
[Quinn's just been running one more after another on it all day. He walks up and puts a hand on Raz's shoulder.]

I know. It's so awesome.


ra_ra_razputin July 23 2011, 02:06:49 UTC
I've never seen a TV this big! It's beautiful.


techno_mancer July 23 2011, 04:41:08 UTC
Biggest one I could get my paws on back home. It's a goddamn work of art is what it is. So, whatcha wanna watch first?


velesdonnersen July 24 2011, 21:08:20 UTC
[Tarvek taps cautiously at the door of the garage. He's got a chair, and a bouquet of foil containers of Jiffy-Pop. He also has only the beginnings of an idea how all this works, or what it means. He's from a very different culture and he's just beginning to catch on to TV and movies. But communing with machines? No problem. He's a techno-mage in his own right, if only beginning to get back his skills.]

Hi? Um -- Ilsa Higa says I have to come on over. She thinks I'll really like this. [He lifts the shimmery Jiffy-Pop cluster.] She told me that the popcorn would be a better gift than the wine I was going to bring. But... I can bring wine, too, if you want.

[His next lines blend mild jealousy with honest, real curiosity and a yen to share a friendship. He adores Ilsa...] So. Ilsa says you're a friend...She really seems to like you...

[Spots TV, finally...]

Whoa. WHOA! That's... it's really... That's BIG!

I asked Ilsa, by the way, but she said to ask you. What's a "Spielberg"?


techno_mancer July 24 2011, 21:16:40 UTC
[Quinn grins ear to ear at the visitor. New friends are good, ones that bring food are even better, and asking "What's a Spielberg" is down right adorable.] Darn right it is. Biggest one I could get my hands on back home. So Ilsa sent ya? Then you're more than welcome here. And why I'd never turn down wine, popcorn is just fine.

[He holds out a hand for a shake. ] Quinn Hatch. Nice to meet ya.


velesdonnersen July 24 2011, 21:26:25 UTC
[Shakes Quinn's hand.]

And it's a pleasure to meet you, too. Next time I will bring wine and popcorn. I'm Tarvek Sturmvoraus. Prince Tarvek, though the title means nothing, here.

[Looks longingly at the TV.] Can you show me how it works, someday? I mean beyond the parts Ilsa and my drone children have already been teaching me, like "Turn on the switch and spin the dial"?

And what is a Spielberg? Ilsa thinks I will like it very much, whatever it is.


techno_mancer July 24 2011, 23:27:59 UTC
Sure can. This works differently than the other ones in town. Got them beat with 60 years of technology.

Stephen Spielberg is.... a guy who makes movies. A director. I have pretty much everythin' he's ever done. What kinda movies ya like? He's done a lot.


(yea) like a boss striped_biceps July 25 2011, 23:55:02 UTC
...So you got a bigger movie watching thing?

Uh, sure, I can stop by.


techno_mancer July 26 2011, 00:09:24 UTC
Way bigger. Five feet long!

Ah, cool. I'll be in the garage, of course. Come on by whenever.

[When Cyuss does, he'll find Quinn sitting on the loveseat he took from the house, currently curled up watching The Thing.]


striped_biceps July 26 2011, 23:19:55 UTC
[At the drive-in or whatever Mayfield has. Whatever. Cyuss comes like promised, feeling a bit awkward about it all. He'll let Quinn do the talking, though.]

So that's it, huh? [A pause.] The screen, I mean. Pretty neat.


techno_mancer July 27 2011, 01:05:04 UTC
[He was pretty absorbed, and didn't hear Cyuss approaching.] Oh! Oh, yeah, ain't it? Like havin' our own movie theater now.


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