Snaps. So, it turns out I have MOVING stuff to take care of. I'll be busy most of tomorrow and Thursday. So while I'll try to keep threads and stuff going, that's why I'll be scarce with all my pups.
Based on convos with the muns for Jenna, Gale, and Victoria, it looks like Sera will also be seeing some action during the arc.
Chances are, Sera's song is going to lose some of it's effectiveness with the mutating Atma. In fact, it might actually have the opposite effect and send the virus into a state of flux. (Berserk forms ahoy?)
At any rate, she'll have some more incentive to go into Junkyard and find some answers by accessing the Dissimination Machine. (And possibly the Society database.) Eventually, events will occur that lead to her meeting with the Karma Society. And then, there will be FUN TIMES ahead. Or at least character building times.