And the final
MTH 234 Recitation: Well, the TA isnt a dumbass, and despite a heavy Turkish accent, he is very understandable. He's sort of clueless as to what's going on, but I think we all are at this point, becase we've only had a single lecture and Erik Bird was all over the place and very difficult to understand due to his lack of microphone in a 200+ person lecture hall.
ISS 210: Interestingly enough the professor looks like someone just scooped him up from India, however, he has little to no accent what so ever. He does talk somewhat slowly, enunciating every word he says, which is both good and bad. But when you end the class with "I'll let you all out early, what the hell?", you cant go wrong. We got out at 1:15 instead of 2:30 like we were supposed to. He's going to be a very good teacher, with many quoteables like my ECE 230 professor.
Tomorrow begins the fast-paced MWF routine of getting up early, and rushing between classes. I'm looking forward to ECE 230 more than any other class, however, I'm holding out hope for ECE 201. ECE 201 has potential if we actually get to construct some of these circuits. When I go home this weekend I am bringing up my electronics box so I can test things out for myself. I cant stand doing electronics calculations without being able to test them. Calc3, uh, oh well. I'll live.
Speaking of which, I am headed home this weekend, and when I return on Monday, the Achieva comes with me! I can only hope that the keys to the house come in, so I can show off the house too.