I can NOT tell you how bad that bothers me! When I talk to people and they throw an "a" in there it drives me insane bc its like "hello people-we're in college, and we can't even spell definitely correctly yet??" That is why I like you-you spell good. It's not just that word-I hate when people dont know the difference between there-they're-their, or to & too. I can write a book about this and it's making me angry now so i'm going to stop lol.
im glad someone shares the same frustration lol.. i dont know if you know, but you're talking to the Spelling Bee Champion of Pines Lakes 5th grade and Walter C 8th grade whoadi!! but even if i wasnt the champ, DEFINITELY is DEFINITELY not a hard word shiiiiiet, whatever
i am a really good speller, but for some reason, i misspell that all the time!! I actually proofread the shit at work for my managers! I know the diff b/t their/there/they're & your/you're lol! That's the word I ALWAYS misspell!
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