Title: Home
Rating: G to PG13…just to be safe
Pairing: Chloe Sullivan/Lex Luthor
Disclaimer: Lyrics, whether actual or modified, of Michael Bublé’s “Home” don’t belong to me. None are mine, though to have Lex on eternal loan would be truly appreciated. *grin*
A/N: Third drabble, un-beta-ed. Constructive criticism please. Very open to suggestions for improvement. Ü
finished - march 3 2005
After all the business trips, the decisions made with boardroom sharks, the meetings and negotiations, all the pointless parties and mindless chatter, and the “family moments” with his father…Lex Luthor calls it a day and prepares to go home.
But where is it?
Home is not the Metropolis penthouse. Home is not the mansion. Hell, not even the plant office is home.
Now, as cliché as it sounds, home is where the heart is. And his is currently in Smallville.
I’m coming home, Chloe; he tells her heart in his hands.
He could almost hear her reply; I’m waiting, Lex.