Title: Main Street Marquee
Fandom: Smallville
Characters: Chloe Sullivan/Lex Luthor
Prompt: 45. Moon
Word Count: 462
Rating: PG13, for language
Author's Notes: Not mine. Will never be. No profits. Will return.
finished - october 19 2005
“No. Absolutely not.”
“C’mon, Lex. You yourself set the dare. It just so happened that you ended up being the one to do it.”
“Such immature acts are well beneath Luthor standards.”
“Well, considering whom it originated from…”
“Still no.”
“Uh-uh. You placed the bet. You lost. Now face the consequences.”
“Chloe, I am not about to parade myself like a fucking marquee along Main Street!”
“You’re gonna thank me I didn’t insist on doing it in front of Luthorcorp.”
“Dad would go ballistic…again. We really should stop these bets, Chlo’. Remember Excelsior? I had to endure three public spankings and hours of detention!”
“Remember Sienna?! I had to endure five,” she fanned out her fingers and waved them in his face, “FIVE homilies bluntly relating to my ‘deeds’ and hours of prayers with the Mother Superior.”
“So this is now ‘my punishment beats the hell out of your punishment’?”
“Hmph, you’re no fun anymore. If I only knew what a wimp you’ll turn out to be, I shouldn’t have accepted your dare.” She shook her head. “Those were twenty cows, Lex. Twenty tipped-over Kent cows. You owe me, mister.”
“Chloe, you know that was a stupid, stupid dare. And besides, we just raided Dad’s liquor cabinet.”
“Didn’t seem so stupid to you when I wagered my baby.” She retorted as she stroked the hood of her Spyder.
“Should have allowed her more vodka.” He grumbled as he thought of his predicament.
“Anytime this century, please.”
“It doesn’t count, Chlo.”
“Fine. Have it your way, Mr. Lobsterpants.”
“What?!” He whirled around.
“LLLLLLLobsterpants.” She taunted.
“Didn’t I tell you not to mention that ever again?” he seethed.
“Oh, I bet Helen would be just delighted to hear about that time Victoria shoved a live lobster down your pants after you broke up with her in the family yacht.” she gloated.
“You’ll never again see the light of day.” He practically growled just centimeters away from her face.
“Never fish and dump at the same time, that’s what I always say.” she replied, undaunted.
“Chloe, if you ever so much as breathe a…”
“Yada yada yada, just get in and get it over with, Lex.” She motioned to the passenger side of her car.
He hesitated at the door.
“Geez, Lex. Metropolis starts in 30 minutes! I still want to have time to brag before watching Michael start putting the moves on Allison.”
Seeing no other way out, he opened the Spyder’s door and slumped on the front seat like a condemned man.
As she maneuvered into Main Street and rolled down his window, she just couldn’t resist…
“Oh cheer up, Lex! At least I didn’t alert Lois and Clark.”
...and drove through honking the horn and shouting...
"Mighty fine Luthor ass coming through!"