WARNING: Image Heavy !
Made with : Photoshop CS
With Selective Coloring so I guess it´s not translatable.
PSD included
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Anyways so I hope that you´ll like this one.
1.Open your picture, duplicate it and set it to Screen. I did this twice, because it has to be really bright.
This is what mine looks like after this step, as you see really really bright.
2. Now you make a new Fill Layer with the color #23142F and set it to Hard Light Opacity 15%.
3. Then you make another Fill Layer with #FFCACA and set it to Color Burn Opacity 100%
Mine after these steps
4. Okay now Curves, I know a lot of you people don´t like them but they are quite useful.
Point One: ( the one more to the bottom) Input: 40 Output: 42
Point Two: ( in the middle) Input: 114 Output: 138
Point Three:( the one more to the top) Input: 174 Output: 177
And also a screencap since some of you had problems with this the last time.
5. The next step is a Brightness / Contrast Layer.
B: -22
C: +8
(What mine looks like by now)
6. Now duplicate your base, drag it on top and change the opacity to 50% ( the layer mode remains normal )
Now it looks a bit back to normal, the red isn´t the intense anymore and its not that bright.
7. Now were gonna ad a color balance layer with the following settings:
Shadows: -20 ; 15 ; -20
Midtones: 20; -5 ; -8
Highlights: 25; 5; -12
8. Now selective coloring.
Reds: +10 ; +50 ; +50 ; +25
Yellows: -15 ; +25 ; +40; +25
Greens: -100; +25; +100; +32
Neutrals: +5; +3; -3; +2
It looks much "warmer" now.
9. Now we´re gonna add another Fill Layer with the color #110101 and set it to exclusion 100 %.
10. Another color balance layer.
Shadows: -18; -2 ; +3
Midtones: -16 ; +17 ; +9
Highlights: -5 ; -4 ; +14
11. Add another Brightness/ Contrast layer:
B: +10
C: 15
12. Now we want some light effects, I took a big brush with a dark grey and brushed over the pic, afterwards I set the layer to Lighten and lowered the opacity to 75%
(this is how the layer looks like)
13. ( almost finished, yay)
Another Color Fill Layer with the color #E9E9E9 set to color burn opacity 50%
14. New Color Fill Layer with # FFEAEA set to color burn opacity 30%
15. Now you can sharpen your picture if you want.
And you are ready :)
I hope that you like this coloring, I would love to see your results :)
For members:
I added the psd and also two new ones without a tutorial
.psd post including a .psd for this tutorial.
For not members:
You can comment on this tutorial saying that you want the psd and I will send you the link in a comment but I will delete it right away so make sure, that you have your email notifications on.