
Jun 26, 2006 00:15

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1) Does ___swollen know francesux? Nopers!
2) Does aprilzshadow drink? April is above such things!! So, yes.
3) Would iplayun4getable go out with loco_chick? lol! I think Andy might have something to say about that.
4) Which president would ___swollen be likely to idolize? Bill Clinton. He is a whore also...
5) What languages does ritergirl speak? Engrish and Dog. She can honestly bark better than any dog i've ever heard.
6) What is amandeo allergic to? Penis!
7) What mental disorder does aprilzshadow remind you of? Tourret's Syndrome
8) If sarey_fairy took over the world, who would suffer? Aaron.. TRUST me!
9) Is whiteafro single? No :-(
10) Are xjennifahx and commrade_stalin married? Yes, and they are very much inlove :-)
11) Is commrade_stalin related to amandeo? Not in so many words
12) Would you set up flyingman and amandeo? It can't happen! Refer to question 6
13) Are lovecat41 and whiteafro going steady? Heheheh, no
14) What song/movie would you recommend to gizmobernie? Macy's Day Parade by Greenday aaaaand IT
15) What would you do if you found out aprilzshadow has a crush on you? Use her to get to Brendon. x 10
16) Is jamesplayguitar 1337? NERD QUESTION!! zomgso1337andnotan00b!!1!11!
17) Is francesux in a relationship? I'm sure he has atleast ONE relationship with SOMEONE.
18) How long have you known iplaypoems? Year and a half
19) Does gizmobernie go to your school? He did! 3 times =P
20) Where would flyingman most like to visit? Uranus! *I am SO not lame*
21) What exotic animal would xjennifahx like as a pet? commrade_stalin
22) One quality you find attractive in sarey_fairy? She gives her driving instructors good tips.
23) If iplayun4getable had a superpower, what would it be? She would have the power to kill any Sim character person, INSTANTLY. I think she's already on her way to getting that.
24) aprilzshadow's eye color? Techni!
25) Did sarey_fairy break up with you? Yes.. BITCH!
26) Is lovecat41 popular? Yeah. There's a buttload of gangs at her school. This one gang kept wanting her to join cos she's pretty good with a bow staff.
27) What is loco_chick's favorite game? I'm gonna go with pool, for the simple fact she has a pool table at her place
28) What is iplayun4getable's favorite band/artist? Angels and Airwaves for SURE!!
29) How tall is r33skyline? like, 39 metres tall, and... 5 inches wide.
30) One thing you can't stand about amandeo? She's getting more pussy than me.
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