
Jul 29, 2004 23:41

(1)Name: stephen
(2)Age: 19
(3)Location: Georgia
(4)Sexuality: uncertain

(5)color: black

(6)pair of shoes: an old pair of addidas that i bought at a thrift store

(7)3 bands:
*Steve Burns

(8)3 books and why:
*Farenheit 451: We should not let ourselves get so medicated and controlled by artificial substances that we forget the value of a good book.
*Lord of the Flies: Never forget what we are when we are broken down into our most basic elements.
*The Princess Bride: Great read.

Bruce Campbell. Best recent b-movie type actor. Period.

(10)movie and why:
Evil Dead series, including Army of Darkness. see above reason

(11) Abortion
Shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, but when the mother's life is in danger, it is acceptable

(12) homosexuality/gay marriage
It is not the government's place to regulate who a person loves

(13)Equal Rights
All humans should be treated as an equal, until they have proven otherwise

(14) TV Violence
It shouldn't be used as an excuse for the following things:
a) Bad parenting.
b) Personal irresponsibility.

Unless you're certifiably insane, watching violence on TV isn't going to turn you into a violent creature.

(15) What are your hobbies? Name as many as you'd like.
Fishing, pipe smoking, long-range target shooting, sailing, computer repair

(16) If you could travel anywhere, with anyone: dead or alive, who who it be, where would you go, and what would you talk about?
I'd recreate Columbus' first journeys using more modern sailing equipment, with the man himself. I'd love to learn how he'd react to advances in sailing

(17) What do you feel your best quality is?
The ability to make myself comfortable and at home, no matter where I am. Especially useful when I don't have a stable residence.

(18) What do you think is your worst quality?
I have a short temper, at times

(19) What are the human races' best and worst qualities --why?
Mob mentality is one of it's worst qualities. Large groups of people tend to magnify the stupidity of a few.

Our ability to adapt, change, innovate, and pretty much do whatever the physical world lets us would have to be our best quality

(20) If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change and why?
I'd set the United States back to the way it was, in certain ways, in the 1800s. Less government, less population, and a whole lot more personal freedom.

(21) What is your favorite subject --why?
History. So much to learn from our mistakes

(22) What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
Owner of my own company. What exactly I will be doing, I'm not qiute sure yet..

(23) What are your goals for the future?
Spend a few years living off the land, and subsisting entirely on my own


Word Associations:

building: construction
chocolate: dark
ball: basket
salt: shaker
weather: tornado
wardrobe: coat
pickle: dill
orange: 4012
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