Robyn, Bryan, Christian and i wanna say his name is Dan? yah thats their band
f*ckin around
Christian (me and him have a not so good history... but surprisingly its getting better)
this one was a full band picture but everyone look like crap but i thought he looked cool cuz of his eyes so i kept him
yah i was scared too
Robyn and Bryan
Robyn can sing sooo good... she's Eponine in Les Miserables
Robyn and her Mommie
Ashley, Stacey and Robyn
and finally what you've all been waiting for... ME
the end
i got my cards read at the party and the lady said that i had "past relations" (aka sex) with someone at the party (and look right at christian too... eep) and that i am haveing a hard time getting over him... then when i went back she told me that i want someone to help me get over him but at the same time i kno no one can help me... it was weird...
she also told me that i might not get the guy i want but in the near future alot of guys are going to want to be with me and i am going to have quite a selection to pick from and i'll be happy. I went to her twice and both times i walked away crying and shaking... creepy
I ALSO hate how people say "I kno how you feel" WHEN THEY DONT... someone who is barely ever without a boyfriend telling me that they kno how it feels to be lonly is bullshit... all of my friends...ALL OF THEM have someone and I dont... i hate it... NO ONE knows how i feel... not any of my friends... NO ONE
i hate this feeling of lonlieness...
ok im done ranting... bah